
Eclipse is showing in cinema this July 1!! Walaupon review kata tak se-best Twilight, tetappp mau tengokkk! yeahhh...pulun kejer bagai nak rak dulu, then reward myself with the movie later on! owhh can't wait for Knights and Day too and perhaps Toy Story too.....byk nyer reward hehehe


Sofya said…
salam H..

relax2kan minda tu yer...

mau giler bila terlalu banyak keje nak dibuat...hehehe
Hazelsyd said…
w'salam cikya,

iyer betul..kalau ikot kojer ni tak abes2 kan ewahh hehehehe
fudhla said…

seronok nyer.....

jom kite tengok sama2
Hazelsyd said…
w'salam fudh,


jom jom kita tengok sesama! hehehehe
mak hayams said…
erkk sampai ke Toy Stry tuh... sab jeler...
Hazelsyd said…

hehehheh sbb ramai kata tgklah dulu camno..

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