Friday, March 21, 2014

eeeeeEEEEE helloooo

dengan macam2 hal
major contribution is work la tentunya...rasa macam too packed up la....semester baru start..dah minggu ketiga i think i didnt start the semester with lecture preparation that well as it should be. Sebab bulan terakhir before semester star tu, penuh ngan keje2 admin tahahapa2..bengkel and meeting outstation jer berhari2.....then meeting itu ini..and didnt have the time to update notes and perkara2 yg berkaitan. So bila masuk jer semester, early mac haritu..apa lagi macam lipas kudung la..macam ala2 makan kais pagi makan pagi kais petang makan petang...kelam kabut..and ada subjek baru(kod baru) yg aku terpaksa take up reluctantly sbb nak secure my placement kat ofis ini. Nak stay relevant and significant terpaksa ngajo subjek yg well...not my core...and also, my position ni pon macam takde option utk aku let go..sebab for the same reason to make myself relevant and significant terpaksa suck up this position. Kan..dah jadi macam tu agaknya aku jadik macam ala2 demotivated laa off late. I still try to do my job the best i tu la...but again it doesnt mean kalau aku tukar ofis aku takkan sesibuk camni..ntah la...Allah yg mengetahui..sebagaimana Dia mengetahui apa yg jadik kat kapal MH370 tu. Takpe la kalau ada inside story or whatnot..dah tentu apa2 pon Allah akan turunkan rahmat atau bala Dia..tunggu ajer laaaa. ehh termelalut..
Lagi apa? Irfan ku sayang??? owhh he's approaching 2 years old by the end of this month!! Sayanggg irfan and always miss him every second of the day! Kadang2 time keje rasa macam nak balikkkk je umah pick him up and time2 tu la got class or meeting ke apa after tak boleh..maka belajar tidak ikut hati dan perasaan hihihi....and tak plan pon lagi besday celebration dia sbb too packed up this month..shiann tu laa..rasa malas nak buat beso2 besday celeb nyer sbb si kecik tu bukan paham apa2..probably just family gathering jer kot....which i suppose is more significant to him sbb dia kenal sume2 tu...
What else..hrmm..irfan cant really speak proper words just yet...a first i am quite worried with the possibility of problems ke just let him take his time, i believe dia takde masalah kot. Understand every single thing we talk now, but he just doesnt really want to cakap..kalau cakap bahsa german dia ada la but not too talkative also..i think dia ni berat mulut la kot..hehehe
Oklah tu jer...


DeLinn said...

i've read a study somewhere, sometimes the not-communicating behavior between parents could affect child's talking development. mmg ada baca abt that. just an insight tapi knowing hangpa dorang tu mustahil amat tak bercakap.

gaya tulih mcm bukan Dr je heheheh. chalosss

Hazelsyd said...

aku dah bertukaq jadik pendiam skang heheheheheh