Leaving on a jet plane

Sebelum tu, citer kebun sket..
Tu gambo aku berkebun ngan si bat kat kebun bat. Fun gaks game nih..tp lama2 aku rasa attached jugak aku kat game nih. Idak ler lagho sangat kannn *icon ym whistling huhu* tp committed gaks la ingat crops nak kena harvest kol baper and aku nih...aku nih siap calculate okay kos dia, rege jual and untung baper hehehe sunggoh laaa ishhh! And also, buat kawan jugak kat kebun nih...sokmo lepak kat market carik keje..so menyambil wat keje kat kebun org, menyambil sembang and make frens, we add each other to our buddy list. Alaa just buddies strictly there ajor deh. Len kali senang nak cari utk harvest kebun kita, cari kawan dulu laaa kan...but buddies yg ada dalam list aku kat situ mostly american and canadian, aussie sorang dua. Ada gaks sorang buddy filipino, tu aku siap soh cakap tagalog lagik ngan aku mentara aku berkebun tuh.. merasa! hahaha.

Kalau tgk kebun depa2 yg dah senior and level tinggi dah, mmg cantik and penuh kekreativitian bagai.....Pagi tadik dah mentelah mata tak ngantuk, lepak kat market..i was hired by a singaporean....wowww kebun dia tu buat aku terpegun!..mmg cantik and dia pon dah level tinggi...siap ada design 'love you' lagik tu with flowers..very nice indeed. So this thing ikut creativity memasing la eks.. as for me takdak kreativiti2 bagai nyer buat masa ni...just plain farm full of crops aiming for the money. Nanti ah..dah ada umah baru design cecantik sket cewahhh hehehehe

..ni haa farm dia..aku curi2 print screen! kekeke syhhhh! sweet, isnt it? bat, lekaihh amik idea ni bat!! hehhe

Okey, leaving on a jet plane..
Anyway, yeap so harini aku akan fly balik mesia insyaallah mlm kang. So i'll be away for 2 weeks...i'm sure aku akan log on to the internet, especially now that i have my farm to look after...and therefore, i think there will be updates in this blog. Dulu2 pong hapdet gaks kan.

So, i'll see you guys around and i'm sure i'm gonna miss u all peeps. Miss me too ok?? hehehe

..the distance felt closer in here, kan bat? cayang u! take care always yea..jgn sedih2 sgt..

Pray for our health, pray for our safe flight home & whereabout and last but not least pray for the success of my presentation, will ya? Thanks! See u in malaysia! Jom jom jom nasi ganja, soto superkinta, mee kicap mat jasak, laksa kuala, bihun sup chemor, murtabak saleem jln kuala kangsar, durian, rambutan and of kos not forgotten masakan mak & mak mentua aku! da bess!hahaha lets!! merasa kome! kekeke

Wokesss...enjoy your weekend ols! Feel my presence close to you the moment u wake up tomorrow morning, will ya?



teesh said…
salam and morning love!

oooo kisahnyerrrr...
oooo itu kejer komerr dua eks?
oooo tgh gigih nak bina banglo...
oooo ok!! hehe

selamat pulang love! selamat berkonferen dan bercuti!

jom laksa kuala jom!!
Hazelsyd said…
w'salam and morning love!

hehehe iyer..gitu laa kisah nyerrr lebih kurang haha

thanks love..

jom laksa kuala jom!!
mak hayams said…
tudiah makanan sajork berjela engko.. harus naik a few kilos kans..

tapikan.. bila nengok balik kat screen atu.. rasaa ermm *sambil kuis2 kaki*...

paperpun "teratak ruang rindu" deh..

have a safe journey taw.. *meh nak hugs with kasih sayang*..
Hazelsyd said…
alo cayang u!

kekekeke u know me! hahaha agenda makan tu harusss kan??? hehehe

rasa apa nyah? hrmm...

okes nyahh buat aa teratak rindu..hehehe

thanks nyah...*hugs u with kasih sayang too..*
DeLinn said…
oitss tu dia panjang list makanan ko keekekekek
mak hayams said…
tapikan part yg makanan sekali masuk nama jalan yg mahal na tuk..
Anonymous said…
don't forget your mask! ;p
Hazelsyd said…
heheheh biasa laaa bab2 makanan tu heheh

haha haruss mahal!

saper yg pesan soh pakai mask nih? eva ker? thanksss..tp tak pakai haha

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