Let's steal a piece of time!

Adehhh korang, 1 dec dah weh..in 30 days time dah masuk new year huhuuu...aduh aduhhh..aku pong masuk tahun ketiga dah nih. Kalau ikut citer high school musical tu dah kira cam senior year dah lah *cehh nak relate gaks tuh hehehe*...adehhh how time flies indeed...masa mula2 nak fly datang sini, 3 tahun tu bunyi macam jauh sangat...macam lamaaaaa sangat..macam taktau bila akan kunjung tiba. Tapi nih, as if like in a blink of eye dah sampai ker tahun ketiga huhuuu..

Despite my urge to finish this study as soon as possible, i have to admit that i am having a fantastic time in this aussie land. Regardless of the tears, the pains, the struggles and the sacrifices that i had to endure regarding the hardship of this study...i cant deny that living here is one of the best moments for me huhuuu..it introduces, it captures and it stores beautiful memories for me indeed....one i think will remain among my best memories in life...

So, you guys who've befriended me along the way, who have followed my journey in this blog, who might not be my coursemate but by being by my side, by reading my entries all these while, i'm sure somewhere along the way you guys could feel what i've gone thru too....so thank you, insyaallah i'll never forget you as much as i wont forget my memories here.

Adehhhhh...awat blajaq lom habeh dah naik stage buat ucapan nih eks? hehe dah nak siap thesis dah ker?? haha dream on! hehehe sajer jer, tadi ingat nak bebel2 jer pasal going towards new year..tetiba dah terlencong ker sini laks..blasahh jer lah eks..

So let's steal a piece of time, freeze it and make it ours that lasts forever ok! *wah wahhh ijaaaa what have come into you?? hehe..data tuh dah cukup ker belum???* 45 as per this morning and still counting! 55 to go before the week ends...


mak hayams said…
nah sambil ulur tiara sama mike *huhu* turun stage with heels tetap
*merasa tanak kalah nak gaks sebut heels tu kans*..akakakka

paperpun nyah..if meks dpt kesana menghirup udara Aussie lagi baguih kans.. *neh meks jenuh gaks dok imajin*..agagagaga..

hugs u
Hazelsyd said…

tu laaa..ada tu nanti mu sampai sini, caya lah cakapku ini hehe..

aaa timakaseh no bagi pinjam tiara hehehe

thanks for the hugs!
Anonymous said…
am glad things r working out well n ur having a great time. ingat lg dulu u said sayang nak tinggalkan rmh baru he he. eh si delinn dah fly ke blum. blog dikunci bagai.

-kak atn
Hazelsyd said…
kak tenah,

ha ah tu lah, despite all those (that i'm sure u know better of how it felt), i'm having a great time here nevertheless...

hehehe ingat agik eks kak tenah..mmg masa tu rasa sayang nak tinggai, tak puas agik dok umah tu nak kena tinggai hehe..and thanks for yr advice gaks dulu tu..

delinn fly? hrm..on hold dulu tu kak tenah, we'll see yea..ha ah kunci bagai..nanti saya cakap kat dia yea..

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