Okkey kisah bob

So he resigned. What's the fuss about it?? hehehe oh yes it's a fuss indeed to my world..
Bob adalah immediate boss amran yg giler babeng telah membuatkan si dia ittew tension gaban tetiap hari selama ni sehinggakan perkara pertama yg si dia bersembang denganku pabila dia masuk umah ni adalah kemenyampahan dia tahap gaban pada ittew bob! hehehehe..bak kata yanie, sekenal dia ngan amran sbg org yg sabar tu..tp bila amran dah tak tahan sgt ngan kejer dia tu..maknanya mmg teruk lar masalah kejer dia tu..
I mean like, of course with bob's resignation it doesnt mean he'll be darn happy working there...but at least, i think si dia akan rasa lega dan selesa dan tenang sikit.
Si bob ni boss dia dah ada experience kejer berpuluh2 tahun tp buat decision kat opis tu seolah2 decision budak baru masuk kojer. Neway dia ni aussie and amran always cakap kat aku, dia pelikkk apa yg si bob ni belajo tah masa dia keje dulu hehehehe takdelah...dia kata dia tokleh terima decision2 (work-related) yg si bob tu amik coz he knew it'll never make sense but bob implemented it anyway..and has so many times turned out wrong. he can accept a senior boss tp katanya pemikiran kena moden..skang teknologi sumer baru, equipments are computerised and all...tokleh la guna method lama nak selesai masalah...ni antara ngomelannyer lah selama ni....akibatnya bebudak kena perosah, OT dah takde, dalam kata lain...bebudak keje lebih masa pree okkey. taklah, amran bukan meninggi diri, it's the truth..and how do i know it's the truth? coz i just know it is and also amran ni jarang bias especially workwise. kalau betul tu betul dan kalau salah tetap salah walaupon kawan baik yg buat.
Anywayyyy...aku memang mengikuti permasalahan dan kisah yg berlaku kat opis amran ni simply because dia mmg bercerita, meminta pendapat dan memerlukan motivasi dari aku hampir setiap hari bila balik dari kejer...and i can say, almost 70% puncanyer adalah datang dari bob, not the job. So bila dia call pepagi semalam dan ayat pertama yg dia cakap kat hujung corong tepon tu, "bob dah resign". Aku nyer reaction? "HAAAA???? HAHAHAHAHAHAH"....boleh?? hehhe over lah pulak kan..sedangkan si dia tu tenang jer heheeheh.
Bob ni byk gaks memeningkan amran sbb segala mala instinct dan advice si dia pasai kejer tidak didengarinyer walaupon dia suker amran as compared to the rest of the whites (which i think he's a double-faced). Dia takmo ikut sebab dia ego coz he's an aussie and konon2nyer had vast experience in such field (ok, ni pendapat aku jer). And from stories (from only one side of course), mmg turned out apa katahati si dia pasai kejer tu betul..ha tu la degil!
And sblm citer pasai resign ni, mmg 2, 3 hari sebelum tu ada dia berciter si bob telah buat satu decision yg salah laaa despite amrannyer advice to not do that. Bob buat jugak kan. Keesokan harinya telah ada problem and error maka org dari Kia telah datang menyiasat...mmg selidik habis2 kes ittew...and day before yesterday john da big boss telah panggil bob mengadap dan semalam tetiba bob tak datang kejer but resigned immediately. Surely because of that issue and i think it must be such a big case. Anyway, john ni pon mmg terkenal ngan pe'el dia yg suker fire employee dia then and there gaks..Aku cakap gaks kat amran, if the situation is reversed i mean amran yg dalam kasut si bob and the one who made that wrong decision, ada kemungkinan dia pon kena siasat dan kene benti kejer gaks..huhh..takmolah kena benti kejer.
Anyway, sebelum aku mengakhiri coretan hati yg lega ni sbb insyaallah lepas ni amran takder lah serabot sangat ngan kejer dia...i mean like hopefully his work pressure will be lessened (ada ker word nih? hehe). Aku harap dan aku doa...biarlah pengganti si bob tu sekurang2nyer okkeyy la sikit dari bob kalau tak okkey banyak pon...amin amin...aku pon berdebar2 jugak ni nak tau apa jadik seterusnya i mean like, wondering saper akan jadik boss baru dia and camana lar pe'el nyer pulak. Si bob ni dulu suku sakat john gaks tu and through out the many problems he created, john had always sided with him. Buatnyer si john tak hire org baru..haa makin penin laks ngan workload..atau org baru tu yg lagi teruk pe'el ker letihhhh wehh...haa..doa2lah semoga okkeyy la sikit suasana di tempat kejernyer ittew....insyaallah it will be better for him.
Hahh aku laks terlebih lega...padahal kojer aku idak lega sangat pong. heheheeh


eva said…
mana tau kan sijohn tu appoint amran to take over tempat bob the builder tu.

ok jom2 belasah keje2 kita ni dulu darl ... lega juga sikit.
Hazelsyd said…
hey darl,

hehehe i speculate exactly the same thing gaks smlm! hahaha tapiiiii...amran kata dia pon taknak!

ok..u blasah lah dulu yer dear..i nak lepak2 jer ni

happy working!
eva said…
darl tanya darl ..

1. tamarind avenue, cabarita beach
2. diamond beach road
3. chapmans road, tuncurry
4. lakeside crescent, pacific palms
5. james small drive, korora

mana yg lagi dekat dgn olympic park dear?
Hazelsyd said…
oh myyy alamakkkk satu pon i tak penah dengar dear....tu sumer kat suburb mana dear, ada tulis situ dak? sbb ermm olympic park ni kat suburb ermm homebush ker eks or paramatta or

wait lah i look up yer
Hazelsyd said…

semua pon jauhhh dear.....plg jauh yg no 1, then 5. yg 2, 3 dan 4 sama jarak ke olympic park.

sayang, naper u bagi all these leads?
eva said…
dear sorry ye darl. lambat pula google map ni tu lah i tanya u if u know the whereabout.

the venue tu olympic park, paramatta cbd
eva said…
drg nak stay yg dekat tmpt concert tu.

a friend's friend a member of a travelling club. those places je yg avail. nothing in the city.
Hazelsyd said…
i see...

okey, so no 2, 3, 4 yg i google tgk kata 3 hrs plus drive to olympic park tu.
Hazelsyd said…
up north tu sumer..yg no 4 tu yg dekat sikit..dalam 3 hrs 36 minutes drive (tu pon kalau tak sesat)

hrmm jauh betul tu...lepas concert tu camana? balik sana balik ker? like impossible.
eva said…
3hrs drive tu mcm jauh gak eh but how far are those places dgn airport?

there are hotels dkt2 olympic park tu tapi mcm not much of places to go or visits according to the list in the map lah.
Hazelsyd said…
ok from lakeside drive to brisbane airport, takes 9 hours u.

meaning, no 1 dan 5 would be closer to brisbane airport compared to no 2, 3, 4.

hrmm...diorg depart balik pon kat brisbane airport gaks ker?

ha ah mmg lah olympic park tu not much..so dok kat atas tu mungkin cantik la kot dear kan..tepi laut agaknya...
Hazelsyd said…
diorg baper hari kat oz?
eva said…
ha'ah eh dkt dgn brisbane.

but true mcm impossible hotel 1 to 5 tu dear. tapi tu je lah hotel yg agent tu boleh offer in sept. ada 1 hotel dkt george street tapi promo tu tak valid lagi.

thanks love i'll explain them the distance btwn.
eva said…
drg tak book flight lagi tapi plan about 4-5days. ticket concert tu dah beli by a friend in perth believe it or not. hahaha
Hazelsyd said…
hehehe excited tu and also to secure the ticket kan

ermm sebenarnya kalau depa ni bujang2 and plan to drive from brissie down to olympic park, should be nice lar dear..cantik sure nyer scenery depa leh tengok...

tapi kena amik different hotels la pulak and stop sana sini. ehh tapi kan tapi kan tapi kan hehehe boleh jugak dear! amik yg plg dekat ngan brissie airport 1st, then other nights yg nearer to syd then down south lagi..sampai ke olympic park..tetapp kena ada one nite situ gaks. habes concert dah mlm2 leh terus balik hotel rehat.

hehehe i laks memandai hehehe
eva said…
bujang2 plus a couple dear. the couple ni entah x sure the hubby or wifey yg pernah gi sydney tapi lama dah.

tapi true drg pun fikir yg especially lepas concert tu.

ok what once a while tinggal tmpt yg blue/green scenery ..

best juga if tinggal dkt darling harbour .. wahh berangan i ni ..
Hazelsyd said…
hehehehe berangan lar berangan..esok2 leh jadik kenyataan heheeh
eva said…
betul what .. huhu

dear gtg dulu love. catch u again aye.

have a nice evening n weekend too ...

hugs n kisses ..

Hazelsyd said…
ok darl,

catch u later, good weekend too yahh

hugs n kisses

love n love

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