Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Ok sebelum tu...nak hishh kejap. I sent two beautiful skirts to be altered, potong kaki sikit. Dia pegi potong pendek pulakk hishhh. Saje tk bagi aku pakai skirt ke opis kot. Well...boleh la lagi pakai sbb dia jadi atas buku lali tu..but i thot akwardly short for office wear sheeshhh.
. do i say..some pending work-related issue finally solved today yeayyy
Got response from a journal says my paper is publishable tp kena buat editing..okkk la tu kann..
Got feedback from a top conference in the country saying that my paper is accepted...yippie yeayy
The last and most importantly is......someone leaked information to me just now saying that.....the top management is recommending my name utk pekerja cemerlang for last year yeayyyness!! although belum tau dapat ke idak in the finale lagi tp the fact that kena calon tu is good already laaa kan! macam kejer kita yg berbakul2 tu been recognized and significant laa kannnn yippieee mintak2 dapat laaa kan....

1 comment:

mamabeauty said...

yippie.. happy for you dear..

hugs n kiss