
Hey love..

This is for you..

Come back soon yea?


DeLinn said…
yeah! come back soon ya teesh? *dia pegi mana taktau?* kekekeke
mak hayams said…
neh yg maks jels neh...
kat meks tak wendu pakah???
matilamakss emo tak pepasal kans..

*teruih duduk tepi tangga bersimpuh*.. huhu
Anonymous said…
i miss u too Teesh. donno where u been. and where is you. is the missing so much is cant bear. tomorrow i go. wait till next week to come back u know.

darling apple pie h .. y is the no reply? u forget me oredi aaa? then tomorrow i go carry broken heart lorr. sob sob

Hazelsyd said…

jeles?? ngada!
wendu? of kossss!

*dok sebelah mu gaks..*
Hazelsyd said…

ayyoo aku tgh mengarang surat kaw kaw nyer.. ni yg lambat sket nih hehe *alasann sangattt*

anyway, selamat berangkat yea!! enjoy yr trip to the max tp beringat2 jugak gittew yea..
take care to the rest of the team as well yea..

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