Queenstown 2
Okay, i have to say aku paling suka Queenstown. Paling cantik, of course paling byk menda nak buat and city yg quite besar gaks ada shops and stuffs. Pada aku if u ask my opinion, Queenstown should be spent with a minimum of 2 whole days baru sesuai. Anyway, pepagi buat breakfast simple jer..just minum and makan roti jer sbb kat sini tak risau, ada nando's halal..ada McD banding ngan other towns yg singgah. Setiap malam yg spent kat NZ ni mmg lena banget sbb quite penat gaks travelling sehari sehari singgah kat town ni, kat sini rasa relax sikit sbb buat 2 malam.
First thing kami kuor gi naik gondola. Aku mmg letak dalam itinerary mana2 yg ada fixed operating hours, kena gi tpt2 ni dulu rather than meronda city shops or tengok scenery yg anytime boleh. Orang pon tak ramai lagi pagi2 tu just nice. So naik atas ketinggi baper tah dekat 800m tinggi kot....aduhhhh breathtaking betui view dari atas!!! Tengok Lake Wakatipu yg kebiruan sunggoh...so snappy2 gambo as usual...kat atas ada track utk masuk dalam hike (yg tak susah mana sgt) jugak...ada tempat lepak2...ada luge yg bawak keter ala2 go cart tu...ada chairlift utk buat luge tu jugak. Aku tak buat yg ni..so after a while..turun balik dari gondola tu. Owh yaa..sajer nak bagitau kat ChCh pon ada gondola, but i was adviced to buat gondola kat Queenstown sbb view yg lebih maveles katanya. I cant comment on that tp rasanya yer sbb kat ChCH viewnyer dah tentu city jer kan.,..sini nampak gunung2 lake and city. Marvellous indeed! Subhanallah....great great God's creation...
Lepas tu kami meronda Queenstown city. Many shops that sell sports equipments..cycling, kayaking, mountain climbing and sorts...banyak giler...sbb ni mmg tempat centre for all these activities. Amran as usual tiap kedai beskal dia mesti masuk punyer..mahal katanya. Aku ada tengok jersey cycling ni, kaler hitam putih cam All Black tu, tulih New Zealand gorgeous gilerrr..pada aku gorgeous laa..mahal 119 dollar, kalau murah aku beli dah souvenir kat somebody haha. Kecik jer city ni tp quite bz sbb penuh ngan tourists. Sepanjang berada kat NZ whether on the road or in the city, mmg penuh tourists..and of course sumer nampak ramah2 tegur hi and hello sbb memasing orang luar. Singgah nando's for lunch. Nando's ni dah tanya hotel sesiap and also kedai tu and confirmed halal. Kat sydney pon nando's halal gaks.
Ahaa..lepas tu kami ke Glenorchy, sbb ni one of the main locations for LOTR. Aduhhh pon cantik jugakkk along the way...so singgah ada pekan2 kecik dia..walaupon pekan kecik jer...tetap ada information centre dia..singgah tanya2, amik map...and drive on...kalau nak ker Paradise kena drive jauh lagi dalam 37km kami tak buat la yg tu...then after awhile patah balik..singgah at this one lake..taktau lake apa..then chalo...melalui Queenstown city and terus jer ker Arrowtown, a small cute old-like town....yg jugak salah satu location for LOTR. The thing is, of course we dont know the specific location nyer...sbb depa shoot dalam hutan, dalam rumah..tepi pokok..blakang bushes and all..cuma depa promote these are the areas or towns ajer for that film. Ada jugak guided tour for LOTR ni..ada macam2 but of course duit lah segalanya..owh yer, acitivity2 for these kind of mahal lah pada aku..segala malanya...baik yg adventurous, baik guided tour masuk LOTR baik glacier sana nun..apa sajer sumer rata2 more than 100 NZ dollars per head..so mana2 yg kami boleh explore buat sendiri, kami buat sendiri jer. Ramai gaks omputeh yg beli jer buku LOTR tu aku tengok and explore sendiri locations dia. So Arrowtown ni macam town zaman dulu2....kedai2 dia, nama kedai...design and so forth..after awhile balik semula ker Queenstown dalam 15 minit jer.
Balik city of Q, buat apa eks...ermm terus balik hotel...ahaa balik hotel sbb nak ready2 masak2 for tomorrow's journey laks. Aku mmg masak belah malam siap2 sebelum tido tu for tomorrow's packed meal, takmo buat pepagi subuh sbb takmo lewat bertolak. Even though it's summer...masih windy and sejuk jugak..sib baik mmg bawak jacket..belah2 petang nak ke malam mmg still sejuk altho idakla terlalu sejuk...in fact takat ni sumer hotel motel yg aku dok takdak aircond pon.