24 June 2011

Alhamdulillah, harini officially aku dapat Doctorate aku.
Sejak aku balik mesia about 4 months ago, takder la aku terkenang2 sangat kenangan di Sydney..tapi, semalam lepas dapat official email about grs,..kenangan2 belajar menusuk ke ingatan kembali..
Terkenang kawan2 omputeh dan non omputeh kat School aku tu....terkenang ada neighbour sebelah cubicle aku dari si Daisy, kepada Bernardo kepada nobody..kosong.....dan aku stay kat cubicle aku tu dari day 1 aku register as a student there sampai ke saat akhir aku depart from Sydney for good.. aku ni loyal tau orangnyer ehh tetiba hehehe
hrmmm...terkenang jugak saat2 susah blajo class for the first 1.5 years....derita sangat sbb aku culture shock ngan cara/kaedah pengajaran, dengan student2 sana yg pandai2 mengeluarkan pendapat memberi kritikan..i felt so inferior and tak pandai, ended up jadi a bit pendiam.. but people there are very nice. They accept me in....the invited me to all events/social gatherings never left me out although i am the only muslim students there for about 1.5 years (sebelum datang sorang lagi muslim bangladeshi). Alhamdulillah i blended in....lama2 aku pon dah jadi biasa dengan culture dan cara diorg kat sana....i've become so accustomed to their way of doing things, speaking words, throwing opinions and such... they are very professional....in the seminar room, whatever wrongs or rights are pointed out regardless the person standing in front are Professors or merely students. Sincere, straightforward but professional. Once they get out from the room, everything back to normal..
Ntah...banyak memori belajar yg datang lah semalam...teringat senior2 yg sentiasa tolong, paling tidak pon datang sembang2 ngan aku just to ask and catch up things with me...
Love the memories.....thanks for everything..


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