Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Cantik pulak aku tengok template baru shweetttt jer hehehe.
Neway, nurse dari klinik kesihatan call pepagi tadi after 3 calls that i missed and didnt bother to return call hahaha. Turned out, its the nurse at nearby clinic where i do my government pregnancy check up. I do both gov and private check up, for thorough and precaution. Aaanyway, my blood sugar test came out overboard by 0.1 and she asked me to come again for whateversugartest. hrmm...bagus yer misi2 zaman skarang, strict and discipline, ikut procedure. Hopefully ngan sumer patient laaa. Esok, kena cucuk jari amik darah...sebanyak empat kali ewwwww
Tapi.....hrmm....aku rasa aku takde diabetes ler masa pregnant ni....

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