Happy birthday, teesh!
My dear teesh,
Happy birthday! happy birthday!!
Have a wonderful birthday today....may you be blessed with rahmat always
Here's a small birthday gift for u love, hope u like it! *cake takyah la eks..u jaga badan kannnn hehehe*

So dear, throw away your worry for i'm sure love & sunshine will surround you..always!
Happy birthday! happy birthday!!
Have a wonderful birthday today....may you be blessed with rahmat always
"Years may pass and times may change...
But i know you will still be by my side...
Wishing you'll remain my friend forever..."
Here's a small birthday gift for u love, hope u like it! *cake takyah la eks..u jaga badan kannnn hehehe*

So dear, throw away your worry for i'm sure love & sunshine will surround you..always!
selamat hari lahir teesh!!!
luv u
moga Allah memberkati dan memberi kekuatan menempuh kehidupan ini
posa lagi???
hehehe aku posa sehari jer fudh..pastu aku terbabas bangun dah masuk subuh kekeke tak sahur, tak tahann laa time2 bukan ramadan ni hehehe
nanti aku sambung eks hehehe
alasan bagai
nak kena nih...
semoga panjang umur + murs2 rejeki katanya...
meh maks feluks with all kasih sayang melimpah ruah..hiks..
*bila maks nak dapat minyak wangi neh dari mu nyah*.. nada jeles.. sesuatuh tak??
thank you the very big, love!! im so touched today's entry is solely for me! hmmm *smiling ear to ear nih...
i love u so very much taw!
thanks for your doa, thanks for this entry and thanks for the perfume! issey miyaki, that's one of my fevret love! thank you thank you thank you...
yes, we'll be friends forever, insyaallah! *hugs and kisses
wa ada rekues ler....
heheheh biasaaaa lalalala huhuuu
hai teesh
thanks for the wish and the doa...
polok both of u dengan penuh kasih syg and ketat2 sampai tak bernapas!! hehe
love u both so much
amboiiii kat teesh kasih sayang melimpah ruahhh jelesss la aku nih!!
yeap, this one's for u..
love u the very much too!
and yes, insyaallah friends forever!
and owh, that perfume is my all time favourite one!
thank u....
wangi ler teesh
mu nak rekues gapo??
napa tak tukar komen nih ker haloscan.... tukar ler
blogger nih zaman tok kadok taw!!!!
*ku berlari dengan pantas nyer*
muahahaha aper ni weii?? 3 hari dok tembak aku ajor nih! where got road one!!
hehehe aku tak reti laaa nak tuko ke haloscan and 2nd reason, alaaa mana der nak sembang2 sini pong..
ok, kena out dah
slamat bekerja ngan cemerlang eks! gonna miss u tau beb!
see ya later!
sori ler, tertembak byk sgt...
jgn mare aaaa...
nanti wa gi umah teesh...
aler takper.. tembak2 sayang kan? tu diahhh ahhahaha
*motif takmo keluar bekerja nih*
blogger nih zaman tok kadok taw!!!!
*ku berlari dengan pantas nyer*
hahahaha... ni lah fudhla yg kukenal... fudhla forever!!!
*polok ketat2 lagi, biar lagi tercungap lps lari pantas!
err Teesh,
wangi aa arinih.. n u know wat? me also suker ini isey miyaki katanya.. *err nyah.. maks dah hint2 neh*..muahahahhaha
June 18, 2009 11:27 AM
issey miyake takdok sale sini..and mahal lagi dari mesia..5th avenue murah sini..weii on ym harini!
*motif takmo keluar bekerja nih*
June 18, 2009 11:26 AM
usah keje la beb harinih.. jom meronggeng kat umah teesh!*icon tanduk kuor* hehehe merasa kita crash umah dia harini hehehe
amboiiii kat teesh kasih sayang melimpah ruahhh jelesss la aku nih!!
*bila maks nak dapat minyak wangi neh dari mu nyah*.. nada jeles.. sesuatuh tak??
i see greeeennnn.... hehe
fudhlah, batt...
mestilah wangi kan love??? we smell the same today kann??
*tambah ijau!
June 18, 2009 11:30 AM
betul betul betul..
fudhlah, batt...
mestilah wangi kan love??? we smell the same today kann??
*tambah ijau!
June 18, 2009 11:37 AM
hehehe i see green everyday sbb kaler mata asal ni ijau hahaha
hrmmmm wangi!!
June 18, 2009 11:30 AM
betul betul betul..
June 18, 2009 11:38 AM
haa sedia eks aper2 food kat umah u kang hehehe
semedang ingat makan je taw love!
June 18, 2009 11:45 AM
hahahaha can't help it la love jhehehhehe
hahaha takdek...sbb tgh kempen-bior-besday-gurl-beli-sendiri skrg nih katanyer! kekekke
p/s: sape teesh tu..ekekkeke...
apa khabar ija... bila nak balik kl?
teesh tu my fren sini heheh
aku sihat2 jer alhamdulillah.. balik kl next month, insyaallah.. ko sihat?