Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All at once

Yesterday was just my day!

Yesterday in school when the sun just started to shine bright , i received a letter of offer from the head of school....a teaching contract for the whole of next year; covering both semester 1 & 2. Sebenarnya ni rezeki...tapi nyer ermm....haritu baru jer kata macam maleh nak take up tutoring for 2010 sbb nak concentrate on writing. Now that the offer actually comes, still havent decided to proceed or not..

Then, some time later..in the pegion hole there's a letter from my sponsor, kerajaan mesia hehehe..nak kena buat annual progress review. hrmmm..serasa aku macam aku dah buat last september and dah pos dah. Taktau lah kot aku tersilap or berangan dah buat ker..tp normally menda2 camni aku tak procrastinate...well, i could be wrong. alaa nak kena bukak file balik la cek..kalau belum, nak kena setel menda nih soonest possible. Orang bagi kiter duit kan, kena la bagi report.

Then, slightly after that dapat email dari program coordinator..it's about time to fill up annual review..ni review progress of our study gaks nih..annually done. To fill up forms and submitted by next week. To be settled soonest possible too. Policy baru school nih nak kena ada interview laks hoh! tp serasa aku macam tak worry sgt pasai interview tu sbb rasa2nya cam i got no problem with my study...i mean, my progress insyaallah laa..kalau dah namanya study mana penah takde problem yer dak?

The best of all was the one from my sv. Datang sembang2 tanya kabar sewaktu aku tengah melagho kat internet hehehe...tak sempat nak minimize screen! haha..then dia mintak aku buat satu paper for a very prestigous conference in US next year. To be submitted to him by next monday! *opss that was what he said yesterday, actually it's this friday!!* soonest possible too! ngan aku yg baru jer discharge hotak aku nih....of kos up to me to write on what, janji...kuor ittew paper huhuuu...idea oh brilliant ideas, do come my way will ya?...so here comes..*tp kenapa yea aku terasa cam paper aku tu nanti akan accepted?*

Just a great day yesterday yes? all at once, soonest possible! hah merasa...


tentangseseorang said...

usaha tangga kejayaan!

Hazelsyd said...


tq..tengah memanjat tangga aaa nih..adehhh..

mak hayams said...

awat susah banget sehh mau komentar disini dong.. huh..

anw.. alhamdulillah.. more will come insyaAllah...

Hazelsyd said...


erkk still payah eks...ha tu lah..hopefully brighter days await me in front..