Semalam dah run my last rehearsal for my defense and banyak tul issues yg depa2 ni brought up...yerlah, different ppl different laks perspective depa....ada yg contradicting one another which are very analitical of them yet very useful for me to be prepared of. Sesudah session tu, aku ada a mixed of feelings la jugak sbb macam-macam la.. because i was like hoping that there wont be much criticisms on this work.. well, camner nak cakap..of course there would aku nih not being a perfectionist yet behaved like one.. senang citer, i was hoping keje aku tu molek-molek dah ala-ala perfect when in actual reality, nothing is kan. haaa ni aku tgh try reason with myself ni.
So, smlm tu lepas setel macam blank kejap because i felt like taktau nak start dari mana nih kan, ada issue baru berbangkit from yesterday's balik umah smlm lepas setel2 urusan, kaboom terus..and pepagi nih dah relax and tenang2...aku pon jot down lah all issues that were pointed in yesterday's session.
..and i realized that,
Most of the issues were suggestions which means, it is up to me and sv to accept and make the change or not but bottom line is, there are weaknesses in my work...however, at this point, aku tokleh nak work on it lagi sbb nak kena tunggu what the academics say dulu pulak nanti kan especially the reviewers *mark oh mark, jennifer oh jennifer*... but what i can do is, to be prepared of how to deal with *defend* for these kind of issues posed to me....well, ada a few gaks yg mmg bunyi macam betul nak kena consider and reconsider jer dalam model aku tuh...and depa2 ni mmg pesan, there will be questions that u cant avoid or can answer, so sometimes accepting is the best way to save your ass esok kat dalam bilik tu hehehehe.
Sv pon ada jumpa smlm prior to the session and dia pon pesan that, we cant satisfy everybody on the floor. There will be ppl who understand what we are saying, some will be so-so and there will be ppl who do not agree with what you are saying. So, he pesan to be nice and accomodate their comments. It is not wrong to admit that you might have overlooked that fact and will need to rethink or reconsider the issues. *Actually, ni mmg standard backup answer for defending students dah nih hahahahah depa la ramai pesan menda yg sama dah nih hehee*
There were not much issues on my proposed methodology, in fact satu jer about selection of sample websites tu but yeah still depa ni students kan, so we'll see apa kata the experts lak. However, comments bebudak ni mmg boleh count sbb depa yg datang smlm mmg among excellent students we have in the school and lucky they're my good friends, so i supposed they have my best interest at heart. i dunno..maybe lah..but i believe so. So i should guard myself regarding my model nih.
And lepas aku dah jot down tuh, hrmm..ada lah yg aku boleh give solution to their criticisms cuma ada jugak yg i really cant. So, the way i look at it kalau betul the same issue will be pointed dalam actual session sok, then it look like a minor revision to me. huhuhuhu....janganlah the other one hendaknya! Because, last tuesday nyer defense, si lizzie who is one of good students here also..she got a major revision! terkezut gaks aku..sbb dia ni mmg disayangi and normally mmg perform baik dalam keje2/classes dia.
Korang bayangkan, the head of mktg dept si paul tanya dia what is the main contribution in her study sbb dia tak nampak despite what she has presented tu. Tapi si lizzie boleh cakap apa tau "that's a really tough question paul" haa berani ko nak jawab gitu kat a defense question coming from the HOD laks tu kan hehehe but what paul replied was," yeah could be a tough one but one u should be able to answer" huhuuu..and smlm laks *biasa la word of mouth happens gak kat school aku nih..omputeh & chinese sini pon kaki nyampai gaks tau hehehe*, ramai yg kata, the one holding the floor shouldnt have commented in such a way unless u're already a well-known expert huhuuu. i dunno...
But, i remember mak aku kata minggu lepas masa aku ngadu2 kat dia takut and all..mak aku kata, tak semestinyer yg pandai tu lepas setiap masa and tak semestinyer yg kurang perform tu tak berjaya sbb.. semua ni keje Tuhan, Dia yg bagi sumer nyer...and dia bagi la example for such case., her point is...dah usaha, doa ajer..and the rest berserah.. kalau Dia nak bagi, Dia bagi..kita terima jer.. so, with what has happened to lizzie, what my mom said is true indeed..
So tu lah dia...aku of course berciter kat amran and he was being pretty quiet smlm, didnt comment much....maybe dia taknak tambahkah kerisauan aku...cuma dia kata *well maybe nak sedapkan ati aku kot* that, my frens yg datang nih mmg dah ada goal dalam kepala to be critical and analytical and to come out with comments, so dia kata, mungkin depa2 ni mmg tengok betul2 loopholes in my work and teliti satu-satu menda yg aku present kan smlm...could be jugak eks..
Anyway, apa aku kena buat skrg ialah..utk cuba tackle satu-satu point yg depa hightlight smlm....tapi, taktau kenapa yer...aku macam rasa tenang and cool ajer at the moment..taktau naper.... i dunno...aku rasa doa2 aku, mak dan kengkawan dah mula take effect dah nih that plg tidak pon utk aku tenang dan tak gabra...i dunno...hopefully all will end well for me...
Orait daaaaa.
gud luck utk defense ngko :). InsyaAllah OK.
And... aku suka/setuju sangat apa yang mak kau cakap. Kita berusaha dan Dia yang menentukan
Aku pun suka and setuju dgn mak ko and amran. Betul tu apa yg diaorg kata..setujuu..
Hmm..mmg lega, sbbnya ko dh nmpk sikit jalan kan. If not, ko nervous sbb ko tk tau apa nk expect with ur proposal tuh...mmg bagus rehearsal ni. Tgk ko nya level of confident dah naik sikit...and at least, ko ada idea apa yg akan dikomen nanti..and ko dh prepare..
Ish, aku harap apa aku ckp ni betul le..sbb aku ni idak le ada pengalaman belajo ke thp tertinggi nih...hehehe, master pun belum lepeh..pandei je aku ehhh...kekekeke
Apa2pun..aku doakan yg terbaik utk ko..ko tau tu kan.. ;D
thank u so much..
i dunno yer..tapi actually paragraph 2 komen ko tu mmg tepat skali ngan apa yg aku rasa skrg nih..
and thank u so much too..i know u'll always pray for me..
kira molots lohong gaksla si Lizzie tuh erk??? hiks eh nak komen pasal mu erkk bukan si Lizzi sabo jeler maks neh..
paperpun nyah atleast mu dah usaha + doa sumer dah buat n memanglah hanya Dia yg akan menentukan sumernyer.. n semoga sumernyer lancer sajork deh...
kira mu dah adalah bayangan camner esok2 masa defence mu usual "Cammon u can do it".. huhu
ha ah insyaallah rasa-rasanya dah ada bayangan sesikit on how it's gonna be esok tu kang..and yeap, i have always liked you 'cammon u can do it' tu..dah jadi tagline ko dah tuh heheheeh
thanks beb!
-setazah put-
heheheh setazah laks dah hehehe..anyway, haa aku ada gaks dengo tp tak ingat la aku nih.. nanti aku tanya2..
thanks for that...
muahhs! :P
thank u for your kata2 and thank u sangat bagi ayat tu.. thanks, nanti aku amalkan..
muahahahaah cetttt *icon bukak tingkap, pintu segala!!* heheheeh
muahs dahling! mu pong bz sakan tu eks heheheeh
Nothing beats the du'a :) It's the best "weapon" under any circumstances and Allah listens!
My prayers are wiv u! I always believe that kalau kita dah usaha, InshaAllah akan ada rezeki :) Allah knows best!
Take care! Selawat byk2 tau. You go gal!!!