Just realized
Is it really a surprise that i am able to complete my data collection in 6 weeks? Sounds like one to my ears from all the concern greetings that i've got from colleagues these days. I just realized that i've been pondering on this question for quite a while already. It really struck me, was it really a surprise to all? well..yea, compared to the rest (of about the same timeline, i think i'm bit of a laggard here)..hrmm...
But i cant help noticing how surprised they all were when they got to know that i'm done with my data collection with such speed and about to go into stage 2 of data analysis already. I gave almost identical answers to all who asked, 'blessings and miracles for me i suppose'. hrmm...Neway, they believed me when i said those words coz they say themselves, u should be lucky as there are many others who started earlier than u are still doing it...hrmm.....now that makes me think if there's anything wrong with my data? hrmm..makes me feel nervous about it but i see no major issues with it...there are minor issues, yes but that could be settled i guess (partly settled with fabe's and warat's help). Anyway, look forward to go into the 3rd stage of analysis in the pls, which is where the spotlights should be focused on.
Back to the miracles earlier, i have to admit..i believe in one. Well probably bcoz it has so many times happened to me, alhamdulillah that makes me believe in it...i mean, to me i read miracles as the unexpected rezeki that come my way yea..not something else. Well, it happens..trust me, it does...to everybody...it's just a matter of whether we realize it or not when it happens....
Note to self:
Now let's count on another surprise for them (and miracle yes! :P), that probably i'm able to complete my very first draft of thesis in....say...August this year? okay, okay..perhaps September :-)
Note to others:
If you want miracles to happen to you, say it. Say what u want to happen and say it out loud. And that's what i've come to believe too. The miracles will find you then...it may not come soon, but it will later on!
selamat pagi
mulakan hari ini happy!!!!!
lama nyer wa bertapa....
dah tak tau nak mula hidup balik
mizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz u sooooooo mucccchhh
luv u
p/s: teka nak?????
kalau ko tak tulis 'f' situ pon aku tau la tu ngko fudh! bunyi suara ko tu aku dah kenal! hehehe..
aaa bertapa eks? bz kojer gaks eks? biasa laa awal2 tahun nih memasing bz..
yeah, missed u & luv u too of course!
wa heran lerr...
masa komputer wa lembab mekngot sibok nak komputer baru dgn boss
bila dah dapat maleh pulak nak mengexplore....
bizi plak tuh
pastu coti sekolah
wa pong coti opis
ni pong last week seminggu demam, masih lagi dok terbatuk2
hubby wa datang opis ni kemarin, dia komplen tempat wa macam kena langgar garuda, tak malu ker????
hahahahahaaaaa.... sabar aje lah
peluk cium my ija ...
~ eva ~
yeap, believe it...it's true..
peluk cium my eva too..
*mode tenung lantai*
ha ah, try..ermm...doakan yg baik2 yer..