Wednesday, August 25, 2010

15 Ramadhan

Dah 15 Ramadhan kan? half of this blessed month has gone through in a breeze! it was like in a blink of eye! it was like just yesterday i started the niat for a month of berpuasa...what have i done in all these days? ahhh...macam not so good Ramadhan for me thus far..i mean on my part, in terms of what i do to gain this month's special blessing. ..yet God still grant me His gifts and blessings..alhamdulillah....
Cepat2's still not too late! ada lagi 15 days to grab all the benefits and special offers of this month!! I dont know if i'll live to see the next Ramadhan..


eva said...

hey darl ... espc the last 10 days of ramadhan tu .. grab it.

syukur to Allah your fund tu lulus. hows the paper ada news?

also selamat menyambut nuzul alquran.

Hazelsyd said...

hey darl..

tu lah, i'll try..& i want to..

the paper still no news..probably sometime sept the news will come out..we'll see..

same goes to u darl!

Anonymous said...

selamat berbuka puasa dee...
adik ckp dia dah lupa la rupa dee ni mcmne....

Hazelsyd said...

hahaahha tau! eeee cakap kat adik, dia dah lupa rupa..nanti dee potong duit raya utk dia! hahahaha