All jumbled up

hrmm...macam2 hal lar jugak.....dah lama tak go online for chats samada kat facebook, ym, msn chats, google semalam kasi chance lah to myself to let loose....dah macam2 citer masuk kiri kanan pulak rupanyer org notice juga yer yg dah lama aku ilang nih...
anyway, memang betul lah kan manusia ni macam2 ragam, macam2 perangai...just when we thought as time passes, people could change to the better..some yes, some no..still the same. betapa lah manusia ni dah fitrah agaknyer suker jump to conclusion lah.....suker buat judgment of others la...dengki mendengki lah..dah cantik dah kaya dah cukup sumer ada tp still tak cukup....tak mau mengakui kelemahan diri sbb rasa diri dah cukup hebat lantas cantas jalan orang lain...tak stick to words....cannot keep secrets pon ada...kata the closest of friends tp blakang orang tu jenuh propaganda...experience or age definitely not a guarantee of maturity....nak ikut kepala dia, decision dia jer...autocratic leader...sometimes people ni pelik...bila depa dah lalui kesusahan, apa salahnya cuba memudahkan orang lain yg akan ikut jalan yg sama dgn beri nasihat2 cara2 yg boleh ngelakkan org tu terpijak duri..apa salahnya tolong kasi clear path pada org lain..buat pahala apa....dengki yg org lain akan bersenang2 padahal ko dulu bersusah2? kalau dulu ko takleh tgk tv langsung sbb bapak ko strict giler tak bagi tgk soh study jer, so now u do the same to your anak? just because u had difficulty last time when u were there, so u wanted others to feel just the same? disebabkan ko boss besar, so bila org letak keter kejap jer kat parking lot ko pon ko dah komplen, demand apology, fitnah dan susahkan idup org tu sesusah2nyer padahal masa tu ko & keter ko takde kat opis pon....just when we thought or hoped that people of our community could be more open minded...flexible...less think of ways to improve themselves, their work, their businesses, their relationships, their studies and so on..the truth is......payah lahh..they'd prefer to stick on their steps and turn back and nyusahkan idup org lain....and yg tak baper nak cerdik laks tu akan fall into the same hole of mistakes over and over again..
tapi, it still amaze me to see or hear that bila Tuhan nak beri petunjuk a split second, in a blink of eye..unexpectedly things just happen, it's just there. and i think these people lah yg rezeki mereka akan diluaskan dan mudah2an hidup mereka yg ditindas, ditipu dan diperdaya ni lebih diberkati..dan orang2 yg menindas dan memfitnah ni pulaks..kalau tak kena balasan nyer sekarang, tak lama lepas tu mmg dapatlah. aku harap bila dengar citer2 camni hikmahnya akan menjadikan aku lebih insaf, rendah diri (ok mmg rendah pon hehehhe :P) dan bersyukur dengan nikmatNya..
haihhh letihhhh melayu lah all these. macam mana nak maju? this entry may sound too negative this time but these are what makes people become more negative than they already are.
anyway, di keheningan pagi jumaat yg mulia, suci dan indah ini...let's pray that all good things come our way...


DeLinn said…
tu dia membebel di pagi jemahat. pakah? kekekeke
Hazelsyd said…

peyeddddd...bese laa hahahahaha
nih pepagi jumaat dah bebel2 nih napo kak? datang bulan erk? lari pecutr 100 meter.
Hazelsyd said…

hehehehe sebab kesian....

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