hehe maknanyer we have different taste then hehehe
teesh said…
hazel love...
cantik kasut tu dear, esp the black kaler!!
bape pasang dpt kat eastgarden tu?
Anonymous said…
semalam mak pun meronda. banyak kedai kasut mak masuk. Charles & Keith, Nine West, Aldo, Vincci, Seed, Nose, Lewre, HushPuppies, Clarks. Zara pun mak masuk gak. baaaaanyak sangat yg mak berkenan *tapi duitnya tak berapa banyak*... mak tak jadi la beli. *kesat airmata*
hehehe sepasang jer cukup la u...i bought yg dark choc kaler nearing black dah...ermm harini i'm 2 inches taller tau! hehehe...owh btw, beli kat bondi junction shopping ctr..
hehehe calon2 brand yg menarik tu nyah..takper, takper..hapuskan airmatamu.. bulan depan beli eks? hehehe *sambil icon catwalk depan ko ngan kasut baru heeheehee*
heheheh...simple jer tuh..tp tu lah pasal payah nak dapat tuh..
hehe maknanyer we have different taste then hehehe
cantik kasut tu dear, esp the black kaler!!
bape pasang dpt kat eastgarden tu?
hehehe sepasang jer cukup la u...i bought yg dark choc kaler nearing black dah...ermm harini i'm 2 inches taller tau! hehehe...owh btw, beli kat bondi junction shopping ctr..
hehehe calon2 brand yg menarik tu nyah..takper, takper..hapuskan airmatamu.. bulan depan beli eks? hehehe *sambil icon catwalk depan ko ngan kasut baru heeheehee*
heheh baru nak vote kaa? talian undian telah ditutup maaaaa heehhehe
Bok D
cantik kan warna koko....koko tuh...my cousin kat kuala cakap gini lah, warna koko hehehehe