Moving out

Seawal pagi tadi aku ke house agent umah baru utk bagi bank cheque bayo house bond and also sign lease agreement. The procedure was a quick one as they've got all prepared. The explanations was also simple because we had experience on this before so eaasily comprehend. And, my new term ni setahun with this rent but owner tu kata kalau nak continue beyond the lease term, just continue jer bayo same amount monthly. So bunyinyer cam dia takde intention to increase rent la nih lepas abes term. Not bad. Aku tanya gaks agent tu previous tenant unit ni saper, students i.e. singles ker or family and dia kata family who stayed there for 3 years dah, moved out sbb they bought a unit themselves. Ok lah tu kot.

So lepas setel tu, gi bekfes kat kaki lima cafe with nasi lemak.. tekak ni terasa nak makan makanan kemelayuan la sangat...tingin laksa sangat2 ni benonyer since 1 or 2 days before tapi malas giler nak membuatnyer. Bahan ada, yg takdok cuma ikan. Saper la nak masakkan kan utk aku nih hahaha...dream on! Anyway, then berangkut lah barang kecik2 dulu ke umah baru tu. Dah imejin2 nak susun atur katil, meja study, wardrobe cabinet camno...heheh. Ada la few trips gak tadi.

Belum la lagi nak move permanently as actually we have time sampai awal jun. Tapi aku actually received call from current agent, si judy, mid of last week..tanya bila nak move out. First instance, aku cam nak sakit ati jer sbb i have the right to stay till awal june sok. Because it was stated in the termination notice haritu. eiii macam2 laaaa perkara yg nak memenin kan aku nih. hrmmpph!. Anyway, nasib baik jugak aku dapat umah ni awal, i mean, seawal2nyer.. dalam masa 1 hari jer. Sebab, although ada time kalau by now tak dapat umah lagi sure aku pressure dah tu..ngan dapat call dari si judy tu lagik. Mulanyer, ingat aku terpaksa bayar redundant sewa for both units sbb tak jangka akan move out this mandangkan si owner baru umah aku skrg nih dah tak sabo nak we will move out pretty quick....the blessing is, save our 2 weeks rent!

The new owner for my current house ni dah nak soh org datang paint, repair and all lah umah nih..tu yg tak sabo beno tu. So aku cakap kat judy, i still need time to clear, clean and steam the carpet though so that i'd be getting back my bond of $1400 that was paid when i signed the lease for this unit. She called up the new owner and the new owner said not to worry on that as she's scrapping off the carpet, not too worry cleaning the bathroom and kitchen too as she plans to re-do something there as well. Senang gaks kojer aku tuh, and kurang sket penin nyer aku nih gaks gini. Then aku query on the bond coz aku taknak kang jadi sebab jer. Kat sini, kalau leave house and ada damage ker kat umah tu, tak dapat laks full amount bond tu kang. So judy said, takper the owner will release the whole amount because she's the one who asked us to not to worry on cleaning and all tuh. Desperate tuh nak masuk umah nih hehehe. Paham dak apa aku citer nih? tak kisah laaa eks.

So tu lah dia. Akan sewa yute perhaps esok or monday kot or selasa ker see how utk setel brg2 besar like katil, fridge, washing machine, sofa. Ada receive offers of help from wai, yanie, erin, abg sani and abg jaafar but we thought since nak setelkan barang2 kecik dulu, so buat setakat mana boleh dulu..takleh kalu baru mintak tolong hangpa nooo...hehe but thanks so much! So setel2 brg2 besar dah tu nanti, boleh dah boleh la let go of this unit....sob sob..*over occay ija!*. And next week, nak kena inform segala mala service providers la nih on our change of home address. Tapi ni sumer basically for utilities jer lah.

Okesss daaaa.


Anonymous said…

selamat berpindah...nanti masak laksa cam ari tu ya.

Bok D
Hazelsyd said…

Thanks..nanti time nak hangkut brg2 beso tu i panggei u datang tolong eks hehehehe...pehtu i jamu laksa tu kang eks...laksa tu pulak i panggi si DL tolong i masak heheh sure sedapppp tu! hehe
teesh said…

selamat masuk ke rumah baru ye love... semoga semangatpun baru gak nnti! hiks

duit sewa 2 minggu save tu, bolehlah buat housewarming... hmmm bestnya..
Hazelsyd said…
teesh lurve,

thanks..hopefully la eks ngan semangat baru hehehe

aaa nanti i buat housewarming u datang eks? tolong i basuh pinggan! hahahahah
Anonymous said…
ko tak buat garage sale ke nyah? takkan nak angkut semua harta benda lama masuk rumah baru? rumah baru .. kena la barang2 baru kan? hhehehehhe

cekputeh said…
Selamat berpindah randah..hehehe.

Tk care ja!

* Aku tk sihat ari ni, tak msk opis..dmm and batuk. Dah le tgh kecoh pasei H1N1 ni. Tp mmg musim org demam le..isk..
Hazelsyd said…

alaa takde menda sgt brg2 umah aku tu...umah baru, jadik barang baru?? ayyooo very der cannot one pakai konsep tu kat sini skrg hehehe..pakai mana yg ada jer..
Hazelsyd said…

thanks wa... ko take care tau!! takde apa, demam2 biasa jer tu...

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