Study progress
Hrmmm....dah half a yr eks? well, work is progressing slowly but nicely so far me, insyaallah..and things have started to slowly fall into place, alhamdulillah...i hope things will be good and smooth in the near future....harap2 data collection esok takde masalah..well of kos takkan ler takde masalah langsung kan cuma harap2nyer masalah kecik2 jer la that will still be bearable...At the moment tgh buat preliminary procedure utk data collection..ada dah dapat response from web administrator bersetuju utk co-operate with me, meaning allowing me to get respondents from their sites, alhamdulillah. Mula2 jer jenuh sket. Usaha tangga kejayaan kan? Anyway, ada lagi few more sites that I am yet to get their approval. Ni baru permission, belum confirm dapat response dari respondents lagik....yang ni aku doa2 ajer lah and then tawakal coz this is something i cant control. You guys tolong doa sama eks...mana tau kot2 rezeki murah ker kat aku tang ni..tup tup response rate tinggi..
Anyway, kalau aku aim nak gi melb ujung tahun ni, maka aku nak kena siapkan 1 paper by june nih. Taktau la mampu ker dak..but i'll try my best to get one done. Idea dah ada dalam kepala apa nak buat, cuma belum materialize jer lagi. Ada masa lagi nih....yer lah..aku nak try apply lagi school aku nih nyer budget...mana tau kot2 dapat ker sbb melb bukan costly sgt budget dia sbb domestic..who knows kan? Conference yg kat melb ni mmg top nyer conf utk line aku di oz and nz. In fact, paper yg aku send last yr at the same conf la yg aku dijemput submit pada international journal. owhhhhh talking about that!!!! Ada sikit amendment nak kena buat before submitting. Hat sikit tu laa yg dok tangguh2 heeheehee
So sblm aku balik mesia *for work btw sikit leisure laaa plus mee bandung muor encounter perhaps? lalalaa*, insyaallah keje2 aku akan siap. Jadi boleh balik mesia dengan tenang dan kepala clear..ada 2 main work-related issue to settle in mesia then lain2 lepakkkkkk. Aku balik tak lama sbb contraint ngan amran yg kena keja and also coz i am offered to continue tutoring next semester...jadual sumer siap dah in fact, therefore kena balik on time. So kejap ajor deh...jadilaaaaa...especially bila balik ber-sponsor kan..what more to ask?..bersyukur ajer lah..
Wokessss daaaaa. errr..kalau harini aku letak vc tamil laks nak tgk tak??? hehehe
Okess daaaa.
busy betul dgn bermacam jenis paper yea?!
kat melben ada apa menarik arr?
morning! morninggg!!
haa gitu laaa..hehehe pelan-pelan la no... doakan i tau!!
kat melben eks? ada philip island -penguin, city dia cantik and structured so i was told, kalau drive thru the great ocean rd- the scenery cantik katanyer..
lain2 taktau, lom survey..
papepun.. rummbu nandri.. *merasa*
hahaha rummbu nandri eks?? mmg merasa oooooo! heheheh
missed u nyah!