Red color draping our sky

Actually across sydney tp meks amik gambo kat randwick ajer la kan...subuh tadi mmg langit merah...huhuu aku siap berkata dalam hati, heh dah nak kiamat ker nih..huhuuu..apparently ada very thick haze across sydney sky yg tak penah terjadi sblm macam tak salah gaks la hati aku terdetik gitu tadi kan hehe...dah la kebelakangan ni mulut aku dok asyik ter cakap, 'kalau ija umur tak panjang..bla bla bla.." uhukk...neway, awal pagi lagi merah but gradually jadik kunin..angin pon kuat pagi nih...

"The reason for the dust is we had some really strong winds in the inland areas of NSW and in South Australia for a sustained period yesterday," said Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Jane Golding." (

"The reddish haze was expected to fade as the sun got higher in the sky, Ms Golding said. The haze had turned from a crimson red to orange by about 7am, and then faded to yellow by about 7.30am." (

"This is such an infrequent event ... it's hard to say when the dust will stop." (

opsss..terselit laks ai nyer feveret coffee cart.. "large latte please, says Ija" :P

p/s: yang clip ni copy dari youtube..


mak hayams said…
jaga kesihatan nyah.. n meks pun kezut gaks nengok tadi huhu..
Hazelsyd said…

thanks..tu la..kitaorg pon tadik..
DeLinn said…
so pelik la the color

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