Easter break
Start esok seminggu mid semester break kat sini... or known as Easter break. ..seminggu ajor deh...Cuti nyer 4 hari lah starting tomorrow, good friday sampai senin; easter monday. And kat sydney olympic park ada the biggest easter show in oz. It has been there. Last year aku tak gi sbb aku ingat lagi masa tu aku tgh kalut ngan assignments aku..submissions and presentation preparations and all that. So thought, nak gi lah this year..at least once nak kena gi tengok and experience it. I dont know... there are many shows there but basically animal shows... i guess bebudak suker la kot.
However, in our malaysian student postgrad association sini ada debates on whether we 'can' go or not to the show.. it's like we are acknowledging the day/celebrations.. easter nih asal nyer celebrate by the christians...there are no masses, prayers or whatnot here.. but ada yg kata, since ianya berkaitan ngan perayaan agama depa, mungkin dot dot dot jugak la kalau kita pegi.. something like that.
Actually, aku lom nyembang pon pasal menda ni ngan amran and see what his say is. Sebab dia dari awal sama lah ngan aku berminat nak gi tgk. Somebody ym-ed me yesterday and ask my say on this......and i said, it's for culture,educational and informational purposes if i were to go...nothing else....and having said that, i think i'll go there this saturday. Perhaps.
Just finished my tutorial for today.....bebudak makin lama makin comfortable ngan aku.. they are participating more and open..ok lah syok gaks sembang2 ngan depa nih dalam kelas.. cumanya, hari rabu kena peruntukkan la utk prepare sikit2 for the tutorials. Well, the job is not susah actually coz tutors dont teach, they monitor and act like a moderator or something....and answers to all the discussion questions were given by the lecturer. What us tutors have to do is, baca, pahamkan jawapan tersebut and perhaps add in opinion kita on the questions. But, dalam kelas..lepas depa bagi opinion/jawapan2 depa.. aku nak kena komen and bagi feedback gaks la on their say. Correct the wrong and add to those limited answers. Tapi start lepas easter break nih, meks menyandar jer lah sbb bebudak kena buat presentations depa..so agak lepak i guess in terms of preparation nyer..
What else? Owhh harini ada bbq at coogee beach ngan geng-geng kat school aku nih...kelmarin dah macam nak demam badan..ingat tak jadi dah.. but now ok dah..so join ah...aku ada la bawak ikan and udang and jagung utk di bbq-kan..for the obvious reason, i couldnt eat apa yg depa bawak tu kang...penyepit and aluminium foil pon kena bawak gaks aku..special case. Since aku nak kena balik awal *sbb maghrib singkat dah skrg nih*, aku pegi awal sket kang tolong set up skali ngan bernardo, teresa and chris.. sementelah pulak teresa pelawa naik keter dia pegi, baik aku gi...dpd kena naik bus kang..
Wokessss tu jer..daaaaaaaaaaa
selamat melepaks yach..
Apa2pun..enjoy ur holidays!
mek pun rasa nk break. tp tatau break apa. break the glass kot kekekeekekekek
i think u're having a very interesting life over there, tau! always nice to read about it here..
i guess it's okay kot if u go, afterall bukannya kita nak join them but just to have an experience je kan? hehe... imo laa..
have a good break yer love! u deserve it!!
*hugs tight*
should read - bukannya u nak join them....
hiks!! pasan dah smp sydney dah taw!! hahaha
idak ler melepak sgt pon..but melepak la jugak hahaha
yeap.. sama aku pon berpendapat gitu.. and an update.. depa2 ni siap email mufti perlis tanya and boleh la..as long as it is not upacara keagamaan.. which obviously it's not..
yeap..as explained up there.. betul..just for the experience kan..
and, kalau minus study kan beb.. laaaagiii la interesting tau! *dasar sangat!*..but i should be thankful, if not for study..takdak chance laaa nak sampai sini kan kan hehehe
kalau pasan tu kan dah sampai sydney tu kan.. kata orang, sure akan sampai tu nanti... kata orang tu laaa *finger pointing at me LOL*
amin... mudah2an boleh sampai mentara ada seseorang kat sydney nun... *finger pointing kat u lar tuh! hiks
wa pun tak fhm dgn easter bunny nyer, easter egg lah apa sumer..
anyway i like the Kissing Point Rd kat entry sblah! hehe
heheh skali skala amik kesempatan coti beb... tp coti pon kepala still ingat kojer...
hehehehe tu lah kan...betul tau kata orang tu *now fingers pointing to org tu and org nih..so jari mana agaknyer tu eks? and camana agaknyer eks?* hahahaha
welkam! welkam!
hehehe..ooo ko suker kissing point rd tu yer?? hahaha nasib suker kat nama jalan tu jer kannnnnnnn kekekekek
ha ah..pegi rasanya esok nih..nak pesan gapo? kangaroo? wombat? possum? *taburan janji2 pelsu lagik!* hehehehe
berbayo ler of kos hehehe..haa amik ler alin kalau ada opportunity,if u feel dah boleh cope ngan yr schedule...for the experience and money..also kalau tutors, mmg tak seteruk mana ler..