4-digit number
Akhir-akhir nih banyak kali dapat call dari my tenet nyer service provider nyer representative. Depa kata my tenet nyer usage dah tinggi for this month and last month that it exceeds my normal usage plan. Meaning, costs more expensive than it usually is per megabyte. I told them that it's because off late i'm tied up with work that requires me to browse websites *that comes with loads of graphics* which explains for the unusual over-the-board usage rate, plus this is not gonna be a permanent situation *although i know there is no need for me to explain this in the first place, tp peramah kan ahaks!*. They want to suggest better plans and so i let them go on promoting coz no harm in listening to options that i might have.
So i listened to what he has to say. Dia nak suggest kat aku plan yg seems like better suit to my usage rate. Okay...so i listened some more.....dia dok bebel2 idak pulak dia straight to the point what kind of plan that they have in mind for me nih. Anyway, last last dia mintak my online 4 digit password. Whatever is that for? Sbb aku rasa depa boleh suggest plans but do they need my password? Even my bank haritu pon tak request my online password instead depa soh aku login and proceed from there. And, do i really must respond that soon and hence give my password for him to do that for me? I dont think so. If i ever need to change my plan, i'll do that myself. Call me paranoid but better safe than sorry. I mean, at the very least people need time to digest information and think it over to decide, dont they?
Dalam univ mail pon cam gitu.... banyak kali dapat email kata my mail dah overload ker atau IT department nak streamline the mail ker atau library nak re-scan ker atau facility dept nak buat haper haper benda tah... and in the end....mintak bagi univ mail aku nyer id and password tah haper haper tah. I dont buy it either. The content of the email was so convincing with lots of the word unsw or any of its departments mentioned in almost every other line of the email. Except that the domain name from where the email came from was just too wierd. If one had read it too fast, she might just respond to it. No, it's a scam. So in this case, read the domain name @ sender carefully before replying yer ahaks!.
Baru2 ni lak...dpt sms pulak, katanya sim card ni terpilih menang power root hadiah 15,000 kot..hek eleh..power root pun jarang...jarang...minum, bila balik kg je minum abah punya ali cafe tu...apa ke mengena le pulak power root nk bg kat org yg beli produk dia and setakat pilih sim card? gilos...
Tapi jahat kan diaorg ni...cuma satu je, if betoi ada diaorg nk promot brg or apa ke..sure straight to the point punyalah, tak de nya belit2 dulu and then minta password..adoii..
Ok, ja...take care! You did the right thing!
*eh aku org pertama komen eh...kekeke
huh! macam-macam kan..iskk nauzubillah, nauzubillah...ada one time tu abah aku nyaris nyaris gaks terkena something like this tp sib baik mak aku ada sama masa tuh..hrm...kadang2 elok jugak ada org yg cerewet-cerewet gaks nih tau.. tukang filter menda-menda alah cam gini..
however, kalau menda nak jadik tuh iskk macam-macam kan.. ko ingat dak kisah reha dulu tuh? iskk again, nauzubillah..
ha ah, orang pertama and also pertama kali panjang lebo cam nih ehehehe tau ler mood gong xi gong xi lagi kan kekekekeke
dorang mmg cam tu..ckp nak ckp sekejap..pastu berjela2..hiks
jgn jd tipah tertipu udah le ye..
ha ah betoi....mintak dilindungi lah kita nih yer..
sib baik bukan nama tipah kan hahahaha
hahahaha aku dah hagakkk dahh..tadi masa dapat sms ko aku cakap.. owhhh esok kena cari alasan pasai laksa nih kekekeke tgkkkk ko muncul laks harini hahahaha
anw.. maks still belum valiks opes kaedahnya...
aper??? mana der!! mana der ko cakap ko rindu aku? tralalalala
yer ler.. yer ler... miss u too *mehs maks hugs fenuh kasih sayang* huhu
haaaa baru aku pueh ati tau! hahaha
missed u too! esok entry panjang lebo yer nyahhh..kasi hapdet skett ekss.
Tu lah nak pekena la tuh...