Invites and all
Am I anti social?? I'm sure this question receives big grin on your side..The question come to mean in the context of me, a student in this school of marketing...I have received numerous invites for social gatherings from my colleague and school officers such as dinner invitation, weekend bbq invites and even coffee invites at my school... but thus far, I have been declining those invitations. And when I rejected the second invitation in a day just now to go out for dinner from my Thailand colleague, it started to make me think am I such an anti-social lot in this school of marketing?? I dont know, maybe my colleague and school's officers have started to think of me as one..perhaps..*shrug* I think, I have only gone out with my colleague here once for a birthday celebration (I blog about this in my ol' blog) and that was because I can't run away coz I was one of the birthday excuse haha! It turned out fun, anyway..
After that, my colleague have organized few bbq-s at Coogee beach and Christine's house in Coogee some time ago...the first was just for fun after the semester ended and the latter was in conjunction to Emma who were leaving for London. Though Emma is such a nice friend, I didnt go to the bbq as well..Some of the events were hold in the weekends and..... me holding on to the excuse as a newbie here, felt that I shouldnt leave my husband alone behind..(lame excuse I know!). Other than that Daisy, Kun Ying, Warat, Nui, Hazel have numerously invited me to go along with them for dinner.. but still I decline ..I think the reason why I decline was that I fear I couldnt mingle with them...This morning was the second invites from Nadia for coffee at the boardroom... for just morning chit chat...last time it was at a reason this morning was.... I am in the midst of reading.. and already had coffee at home prior to coming to the school.. lame excuse again??
Well.. now that I realize this, I think I shouldnt be dissappointing them again in the future, yes? (If there are any more invites)..I should learn to mingle with other than Malays.. I should.. yes, I should...Not to say that I didnt mix around with my colleague.. I do.. but mostly in school and not in the social gatherings...
We'll see....
On a different note, I was visited by my supervisor today. I emailed him earlier this morning just to tell him that I am in the school already after a 3-weeks holiday.. so the email was to tell him that.."I'm here, studying" in the email I also told him that I am now starting to work on this particular subtopic and hopes to get it done by this weekend so that next week I can get to submit it to him...talking about this.... my supervisor is not a pushy person.. at least to-date, he hasnt been that pushy to me.. yet. It is me who initiate writings and initiate submissions and also will initiate meetings. Isnt that wierd? I sometimes feel envy of my other PhD friends here or elsewhere when they say their sv has scheduled specific date lines for meetings. I think it can push you to work towards that deadlines.
So, that is why I need to make the first move with my sv so that I can feel myself being pushed hehe..but.. Alhamdulillah and insyaAllah... I think I can work independently.. I know when and how to start working (and also when to enjoy more! hahaha)..I'Allah it will lead me to the right way...and I think my sv realizes this also as he once commented when I seek for his approval to not coming to school for a week (while Delinn and Ky were here) that he said.."it's fine with me as long as you know what you are doing".
I also told him of the courses that I needed to attend this semester *dreading it already* and that I intend to defend my proposal by this year (uhhh it is me who give the schedule again)...
Ah.. gotto stop here for now.. hubby has been waiting here for more than an hour already (while gets to read online news) and I have so many times heard him yawn already.. I should take the hint..