hehe i think nobody will be able to teka kot what kind of ubat that i am thinking to take...hee hee *sajer je kasi rasa nak tau tu membuak2 kekekekeke*
weather's been sejuk u for the past week..in fact macam rasa winter pon ada.. and i started to put on my baju long john dah, berselimut bagai, no more fan...it's been showering all week...but, i like it this way hehe *tp udah ada warning akan ada flood kat sydney nih pulak!*
aduhaii.. tu lah kuasa Tuhan kan.. last 2 weeks it was scorching hot and who would sangka, dalam summer boleh jadik winter pulak kejap huhuuu
but, harini sederhana dah cuaca..
Anonymous said…
eh 2x posted lak dah!!
really beb? sejuk pulak eh tetiba... kalau allah berkehendak apa2pun mungkin kan?
no fun dah? yelaa.. dah ber'longjohn' mana ada fun dah!! hiks...
take care yer dear... bersedia sblum banjir tu... hope u wont be affected at all by it!
jgn amek sebarang ubat or vitamin tau
tambah2 vitamin M...bahaye oooo!!!kehkehkeh
hahaha vitamin M yer cikya kekeke tau tau jer saya mmg tgh ketagih vitamin M skrg nih hahaha
tapi ni bukan nak amik vitamin M tau cikya hehehe
sakit apa pulak ni? yg i nmpk mcm penyakit malas nak nulis jer nih! hehehe
hmmm ubat apa ek? *but my suspicious mind ni is starting to worklah dear! hiks
hugs tight love, mish yew!!!
missed u so much!!
hahahahah betullah penyakit yg u nampak tuh kekekekekekeke kritikal tuh kan??
btw, the ubat yer? hehe adaa laaaa rahsiaaa rahsiaaaa kekkekeke
*hugs u tight too*
how's weather in sydney now love?
hehe i think nobody will be able to teka kot what kind of ubat that i am thinking to take...hee hee *sajer je kasi rasa nak tau tu membuak2 kekekekeke*
weather's been sejuk u for the past week..in fact macam rasa winter pon ada.. and i started to put on my baju long john dah, berselimut bagai, no more fan...it's been showering all week...but, i like it this way hehe *tp udah ada warning akan ada flood kat sydney nih pulak!*
aduhaii.. tu lah kuasa Tuhan kan.. last 2 weeks it was scorching hot and who would sangka, dalam summer boleh jadik winter pulak kejap huhuuu
but, harini sederhana dah cuaca..
really beb? sejuk pulak eh tetiba... kalau allah berkehendak apa2pun mungkin kan?
no fun dah? yelaa.. dah ber'longjohn' mana ada fun dah!! hiks...
take care yer dear... bersedia sblum banjir tu... hope u wont be affected at all by it!
*aduhh... connection very badlah!!
ha ah tadi ter post 2x but i delete the 2nd one dah.
yeap, anything is possible..
okes, u take care there too yer..and...apa i nak buat utk bersedia sblm banjir ni yer...hrmmm....peluk laptop ni kekuat kot kekekeke
okes, catch u later ya..
till later..
bye bye doesnt mean forever
mamma mia! hehehe
hehehe....ianya tidak seperti apa yg ada difikiran mu wa hehehehe
heheh yer betul tuh
erkk ko nak ubat rindu yer noks? nangesssss!
masalahnyer aku pon takdak ubat ittew! hehehe
Mesti ubat jerawat kan??
kan ija kannn??
*pekop mulut tahan gelak sbb dalam hati dok kata ubat lain..eh rahsia*
wehhh aku takdok jerawat tau kat muka! muka ku halus mulus tau katanyer hahahahahaha