Sunday, June 15, 2008

This and that on a cold Sunday..

I was just about to bebel about my phone and mobile internet provider as it has been a week or so I have been trying to access to their website to check on my Internet consumption but failed. I subscribed for the 2GB capacity per month only as most of my working time are spent in the school..thus unlimited access. Home are for contingencies. Anyways, I was just about to bebel about Three just now for the failure when suddenly the page suddenly appeared hee hee. Another GB to go.... but... upon checking my mobile phone usage.. only I realized that I have only used 2 dollars to date.. 118 dollars to go for another half a month. *Ada la kes tepon2 mesia buat perabihkan capacity nih kan dpd burn terbazir*

As I am an unpredictable person to people who knows me all too well....yesterday, after working/editing on my assignment.. I suddenly got I went to Correlle's outlet.hehehe.. Spent $200 plus on items I have been eyeing for... Basically, just top up some items and add corningwares to the collection.. that's all. Went home with a sweet *perahsan* smiling face and went straight to Thai Singha in Coogee for lunch cum dinner. A hugeeee one, I would say!!*Cikpah, the plan is still on and just wait and see whether I grab anything else on that day thee hee hee*

I was THIS close to fell down in my bathroom this morning.. really! but thank God..I didnt.*tapi tersirap darah sunggoh la...puhh semangat!!* Coz I think.. if I fell down on that cold slippery floor just now.. I would have landed hard! erghhh alhamdulillah.. the thought make me cringe inside though because.. obviously the door is locked and second thing is.. takmo sakit sakit, patah patah buat masa ini..nauzubillah..I have once fell down hard on my back on a slippery floor as well *it was raining at the my house in Ipoh*..I landed flat on my back and the back of my head strucked hard on the cement. Blacked out for a few minutes *sib baik tak weng kan kekeke*....and the next thing I know.. I was still there lying on the floor with wet face *the rain*. I remembered that incident tersangat-sangatnya... because... at that time.. I was hurrying and rushing to walk my mom to the bus stop.. to accompany her waiting for the bus to go to work...masa tu my mom dah jalan dulu, berpayung as time was running out.. I decided to go slighly later sbb masa tu sian sangat kat my mom jalan sorang2 dalam hujan berpayung utk tunggu bus ke tpt keje... and.. till now.. my mom dont even know that I fell on that day thee hee hee...*tapi kesan kat papan punggung ni.. sampai ke hari ini yach!*

Ok tu jer.

Note: Tetiba takde icon utk justify my writings.. so tak berapa chantek eks


ummi of triplet said...


dah terbabas pi membeli belah la plakkk

Hazelsyd said...

Cik pah,
kuang kuang kuang.. aku nih mmg lah unpredictable tapiiiiiiiii janji tetap janji yach! No worries on that huhu *silap2 haribulan, wa sambar lagi pulok!*

grgrgrgrgrgrgrgr <---kesejukan di opis walaupon dgn 3 lapis

DeLinn said...

aku masih ingat insiden tu!. Tapi rasanya bukan sebab tu, rasanya macam ada sebab lain but I couldn't remember. Aku ingat sebab aku yang angkat kamu bawak masuk rumah balik, hehehe

lagi satu insiden, ko ingat dak yg kita nak keluar pagar rumah kita naik basikal tiba2 ko serempak anjing, ko gezut besar pastu suruh aku TEMEH (temas)????. hahahahaha gilos haper!

Hazelsyd said...

Dak dak.. memang aku slip jatuh terlentang sbb licin.. and mmg nak anto mak masa tu ke jakan beso down th road masa ke ko angkat aku? larat ke? muahahahah kalo skrg ni aku caya aa sbb dah slim sket kan hahahahaha *eh bukan dulu aku lg slim ker??*...ko tgk jer aku terlentang sedo diri balik ada la hahahah

Yg pasal terkejut anjing tu hahahahahahahahahahahha siottttttt!!! mmg aku tak lupa gaks kakakakakaka..

Anonymous said...

kalau akak jatuh dalam bilik air tuh...mesti retak lantai kan? *larik*

Hazelsyd said...

sampai hati tau cakap camtu