Academic ramblings...
I bumped into my sv the other day and he posed me one question that adds the nervousness that I am already feeling these few weeks...
"H, have you finished writing?"...he asked
"owh.. in the process.." I answered *LOL*
When I came back to my place, I thought OMG! he didnt even signal me anything concerning writing my proposal and suddenly asked! Well... I am in the writing process anyway as I've mentioned in earlier entries... but what if I have not started? What if, I just sit and read and keep on doing the analysis on those papers and still try to find more gaps that could enrich my work? What if?? Currently, I am doing both at the same time..*that explains the pressure I am at the moment*... writing plus reading plus searching for more theoretical background to support my ideas/proposed model. My present state is kind of like cacing kepanasan....huhuuu nak-nak pulak lepas kena leteaq dek lecturer sorang nun di Sintok nun! hanjjjj okey!! kussss semangat! hahahaha
errr... actually.. that's what I am now...coz my due date is approaching real soon and.. as I read and read and analyze, I got further led into that dark, longggg tunnel and discover more issues, factors and many a time, several different and confusing paths. So somehow, I feel like I kept on going left and right, left and right in terms of what I wanted to add in my initial one time, I feel like.."arghh just make do with what i had already developed and finalize this"... but many times I feel like .."there are more to discover".. hrm.. now I am not sure if I can make it to complete a draft by Merdeka Day.
Anyhow, back to my earlier circumstance with my sv, when I voice out my intention to expand the model, ... basically his response was..
"...put that in writing and show me and then we'll see from there"..
Also... I have started to have dreams *or rather nightmares* about my proposal....many a time, upon celik mata belum bangun dari katil lagi, my brain has started zooming into my proposal already...huwaahhh!! sei lor! wa sudah manyak takot wooo ini macammm *icon ketor-ketor gigi*
The only good thing that make me feel a tiny, weeny bit better this week is that.... my sv also mentioned that J*ohn told P*am, the postgrad director who later informed my sv, that J*ohn is really impressed with my work and believe that I have made such a good progress. J*ohn is a respectable professor who is very well known in Australia as well as in Europe...hikhikhik.. ni jer laa penyedap hati...tapi mimpi tetap mimpi tuhhh!!!
On a lightening note, are the only two real birthday cards that I received for this year... not too bad actually coz as compared to last year....I only received a birthday letter from Amran!! kekekeke, who at the time hasn't worked yet.
Okay later peeps! Doakan agar idea-idea bernas mengalir dengan lancarnya dalam kepala aku nih yer. Thanks in advance!
*hug dulu! hope to make u feel better.. hehe*
that's what it is about being a student, right? assignments, proposals and all.. but i believe u've done well so far, and u're going to do just fine... i wish u success always, beb!!
errr... give my regards to Prof J*ohn ek! he sure knows how to appreciate a student's good work! excellent, beb!
Very comforting la u ni teesh.. *hugs*
Appreciate your kind words..
Thanks love!..and thanks for the wish also...
since you are still developing your proposal, perhaps you want to look into something called "attention economy" as well.
just my 2cent.
Thanks for the suggestion...
..will look into it in the fact now tgh google scholar to take a peek on it and seems interesting and related.
Thanks again!