F's proposal defense

Yesterday I attended F's proposal defense.. well...he did his MPhil here as well....The audience were not that many but the small room make it look like everybody in the SOM were present! He looked calm and confident though despite the tiny room for all of us...

When I took the first look at the topic, I was darn interested....his topic was not that far different from mine...luckily we are looking at different perspectives plus our exogenous variables are different........well.. I guess the area I am doing could be still considered as new and at its infancy stage... what's important is, I need to get it there before it moves on to the maturity stage...uhh pressure, pressure nih!

I think he presented very clearly, thorough and smooth yesterday....there were many questions though from the audience.. owh no.. basically from the profs and Drs. After the presentation, he came talking to me and Warat in my room....for one instant, I thought he looked a bit down, so I asked...he said he's worried with the result he'll be getting...well, I dont know but I told him that I thought he did make everything pretty clear in the presentation...however, he'll only get the result after 2 weeks or so..this time lambat coz he submit late of the proposal. By procedure, we need to submit a month before the scheduled date.. to give room for the examiners to read...

Attending this defense make me realized how far behind, how limited, how incomplete my study still is... iskk... scary!! But good thing that I attended so that I'll know what are the famous questions and so on.........well...in SOM here, I noticed questions on the conceptual model are the ones most frequently attacked/asked......not so on the methodology....which in contrary, when I was still in Malaysia... I think they seemed to be questioning more on the methodology.....

I think, in all defenses that I have attended so far in this SOM, the proposed theses are no simple, clear cut ones... in fact, I find that their models are really extraordinary.....I have seen other PhD theses or proposals of other schools' candidate *limited ones tho* that are much simpler than the ones my colleague are doing... goshh...makes me feel even more worried... that I need to make sure that mine is up to the standard as well......huhuuuu..


SOM? apa tuh? tom tom bak tahu le
Hazelsyd said…

Opsss lupa pulak hihi..

School of Marketing
AppleB said…
dahling...tak daya mek nk marathon entry2 mu. lom ada masa.

mek cuma nk tinggal jejak kasih je. hohoohohohoh. selamat berwiken yach.

mek nk CCM dah esok yahuuuuuuu
Hazelsyd said…

Okay.. ko take care okess sepanjang CCM mu..ingatlah daku sms berCCM *apa kesss?? haha*
DeLinn said…
dah, jangan main-main dah ja. Ko dah masuk 2nd year kat sana tu kan?. Masuk gear 4 dah weh!. Skang ni kan, mana2 yg habis lambat, kpt/uni panggil balik tau. That day masa taklimat, ada dia bagitau gitu.
Hazelsyd said…
erkkkk.....aku dah kena bebel dek lecturer sorang nih huhuuu
tu dia cikdelling sudah bersuara!!!
Hazelsyd said…

Tu laaaa pasalll...meks ketaq okay! hehe

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