Saturday, August 2, 2008

Vacation pictures - final

Rupanya kan...bila setelah sekian lama tak bertemu muka.. bila sesekali tengok gambar.. baru notice betapa kita rindukan seseorang itu...tsk tsk least that's what I think...tak reti aku nak cakap bahasa halus in BM ni kekekeke...anyway, I have just visited my bestfriend's blog and she put up her latest pictures there.. I didnt get the chance to meet her and her family as..she's in KL and me in Ipoh..and when I'm in KL.. she's in Cherating pulak.. so no fate...but.. looking at her pictures tadi...rasa rindu kat ko Wa...

Jadi.. atas teori aku sendiri ni... korang tataplah lagi gambo2 aku ni yach.. supaya ianya boleh membangkitkan rindu korang pada aku kekekekeke!! Enjoyyyyy!!

Si Tihah dah tak sabo nak memotong her 2nd birthday cake kat umah mak aku..

The siblings...

Singing the birthday song together...

Tihah excitedly singing.. altho what came out from her mouth was just mumbling of yu..yu..

The kids cant wait to have a piece of the cake or whatever that was on it...

Pisang kat sini altho look ripe and yellow.. doesnt taste all the same like pisang there.. probably because masak peram kat sini...still kelat altho masak..

Bawah: Sepetang di Kuala Kangsar..

Masjid Ubudiah...

Istana Kenangan

Bawah: On the way to KL a day before departing for Sydney...

Playing around in the car with the kids..before hanto Tihah semula to her babysitter in Simpang Pulai.. she didnt come with us to KL.. her parents are working.. only her brother and sister came along...

Got the chance to meet Ayu.. she gave a tudung as an advanced birthday gift and also bought another piece from her. Tokei tudung nih pada yg malas nak keluar mencari sendiri..she's in KL.

At the airport already...with mom and MIL <-who are going for her hajj this year insyaallah..*the nu. 1 reason for the trip home this year instead of beginning of next year as planned*

The whole clan who sent us at the airport *Delinn's not there as she's the one who took the picture*

Kakak didnt shed a tear upon me leaving *bravo gurl!*.. but Dik An was teary-eyed...probably after seeing my mom yg dah banjir sakan masa tu..

With who else? The one who shared the same womb with me..who are still single and available at this point of writing *opsss mati laa ter pomot!* kekekeke

I'm glad that the love of my life accompany me here.. because he's the only one I have in this foreign land....altho he has to sacrifice his 14-years job for my future.. insyaallah murah rezeki dia di masa depan...amin...


AppleB said...

rinduuuuu...telah melekat dalam hatikuuuu...*ops feeling lak*

muahhahahahahaha maafkan la mek yg jiwa kacau neh. makin kacau kekdahnya lepas mek call DIA tu.

harus ko pun rindu2an kan tp dgn family la ye tak. mek je yg bengong tatau rindu sapakah gerangan.

Hazelsyd said...


hehehe buleh dak aku nak speku sape yg ko rindu-rinduan ittew?? hehehe..Call dah?? hehe slamatzzzzzz...

Anonymous said...

tudiah meks feeling2 gaks sepanjang jalan kenangan katanya..

*part last tuh meks nanges... tudiah terus pose lap ingus pakai toilet tissue*...

Hazelsyd said...


kekeke nangessss lagi?? apa kena ni noks?? kekekekeke toilet tissue lak tuh..

Apa2 pong... udah2 le nanges tu yernoks.. lepas ni gumbira2 pulak eks...

Ko kojer harini eks? Aku lupa pulak..

Anonymous said...

yelah.. maks neh sapa nak ingat kan.. *huhu*..

terus pose tenung tingkap...*errr sambil makan lolipop bley??* hiks

Hazelsyd said...

ehhhh ingatttttttt!!! takot aku kalo mak hayamz dah majuk kang hehehe..saper yg berani pujuknya kang heheh

Anonymous said...


terharu pulak baca ending entry u ni taw... semoga pengorbanan dia dan u juga diberi ganjaran di masa depan... happiness and many many children... hehe..

oh, u have a twin sister eh? how nice...

Hazelsyd said...


Insyallah and thanks for your doa itu.. yeap I have a twin sis..