Proposal defense

Definisi : pembentangan proposal utk research yg nak dibuat then defend kita nyer proposal tuh...supaya tak kena tuko tuko buat menda lain laks.. tuko sesikit ok lagi *pass with minor corrections* or worst come to worst tuko byk pon terpaksa la nak wat camno *pass with major corrections* tapi paling bagus kalo takde corrections *pass without corrections* very unlikely here...cuma nauzubillah la kalau gagal *fail*.

Teresa nyer result proposal defense dah keluo and she has to go under only minor corrections.. kat sini, minor corrections is very common, kalo takde correction tu yg uncommon...Well, a bit on her defense last week... i thought she presented well, full of confidence and smooth...she looked like it was a casual occassion, takde nampak elemen2 nervous ke haper.. kagum aku ngan dia... but then, she's both an academic and practitioner for quite some time dah.. practitioner tu yg penting tuh...sbb boleh diblend kan experience dia dalam academic dia...anyway...aku pon catit2 gaks la soklan2 yg ditanya..hrm.. actually masa aku dengo presentation dia tuh, aku mmg ada nak tanya satu menda.. tapi tak sampai ati nak tanya kat public sbb aku rasa soklan aku tuh soklan power gaks.. sbb aku ada sikit confusion.. so i thot, takper lepas setel kang aku tanya kat blakang ajer..tengok2..mmg itu la soklan yg dibangkitkan oleh most of the profs and lects haritu...ermmm...

Actually tak jauh beza apa yg aku nak buat ngan apa yg dia buat..cuma context berbeza...and dia pulak apply pada context Chinese female kat China.. aku tak ikut ethnic though tp different context la...dia nyer most critics was, samada significant ker context dia tu.....are there really gonna be any significant difference in terms of anticipated outcome tuh?..erm...riso jugak tuh..but bila aku tengok tengok dan renung renung kojer aku nih, aku yakin aku nyer context ada significance dia..crystal clear aku rasa and i'm not worried about this actually...cuma, bersedia jer lah kan sok sok.

Sv aku datang smlm jenguk aku... akhir2 nih, kerap laks dia datang jenguk aku... i think it's becoz aku tak gi report or jenguk dia ekekekekke and sbb dia dah tau aku nyer target tuh... tapi kan.. hisyyy dia leh tanya aku smlm, have u decided on the specific date? sabo jer lah aku.. dia la yg kena set kan.. aku dah check dah ttg procedure dia dah.. so by now, korang dah dapat tangkap dak apa keresahan dalam ati aku selama nih? hehehehe. Anyway, ni hanya bebelan aku jugak lagi about academic aku.

Selain tu, dia ada gaks advice aku sesikit smlm....and i told him that despite keketoran aku utk defense nih, i am actually looking forward for march to want to get it done and over with and then move on to another stage. So, i have to make the defense in march to happen, kena jadikan dia happen gaks by hook or by crook, kena jadi jugak dan jugak!! *nih aku tengah psiko diri aku nih hahahhahaha*..sbb kalo idak aku takut aku lari dari schedule nih.. huhuuu..unless ada aral melintang lah kan...

On a different note, member aku sorang tuh dah attend her last and finale class in unsw nih huhuuuu siap promo lagi kat fb dia tuh.. good for u beb! Ko nyer open house tuh aku nak lepaks lelama sket.. then perhaps lepas tu lepaks kat beach laks.. nice! owhh maroubra beach will be so significant & memorable dah kat aku lepas lepas ni uhuk uhuk!

Okes daaaaaa....hopefully everything turns out okay la for me in terms of study nih...and for u guys too...amin.


ummi of triplet said…
jgn lupa bawak swimming suit
Hazelsyd said…

kekekeke good idea tu weh!! senang nak bersalin2 baju kat umah ko eks??
Anonymous said…
amboi2 kemain yach siap dah plan in advance katanya hiks..

paperpun cammon u can do it.. chaiyo2..

*meks doa sesama yach*..
Hazelsyd said…

Thank u dear.. insyaallah..akan ku chaiyok2 kan jugak heheheeh..

Ko pon chaiyo2 gaks mendaki okes..akan ku doa dari kejauhan jugak *sambil makan rendang dan ketupat dan pulut kuning etc etc etc kekekekeke*
Anonymous said…
wohh no worries...when the time comes. it will comes. muahahahaha
Hazelsyd said…

kekekekek tak abes abes lagi tuh!!sajerrrr jer nak hangatkan ati eks?? hahahaha
Anonymous said…
cettt siap quote makan rendang bagai huhu.. *ikon uruts cikteks*
Hazelsyd said…

heheheh yer lah..seolah-olah makan untuk mu jua, bukan begitu kekekeke

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