Xmas lights @ matraville

Before that, some updates...

1. ..ingat dak pasal yg nadia offer aku masuk bilik kat opis aku nih that day yg aku story mory tuh.. and i said aku nak tanya seniors aku whether depa pon being offered or not...sebaliknyer, aku gi tanya direct ngan nadia the next day when i wanted to decline her offer. And she said, she offered only 2 of them in the next room.. and to my knowledge those 2 of them are phd student cum tutors here...but she didnt offer other seniors though.. so persoalannyer, adakah she favors me that she give me that offer? kekekkeke atau adakah ada possibility utk aku di-offer jadik tutor kat school nih tahun depan? jeng jeng jeng!!

2. ..ingat dak yg aku pos gift kat anita last friday? She said she got it already and she also said that i shouldnt have given that..nevertheless she loved it so much that she's gonna keep it. She received it last sunday. *ermm.. nak krismas nih cepat jer service depa eks.. extra hours lah kot no nak make sure all gifts mailed will reach its destination on time before xmas sbb aku ingat akan sampai lepas krismas dah due to mailing traffic*

3. ..nak update sikit pasal amran kat tpt keje smlm..seperti dijangka mmg dia kena kutuk kaw kaw ngan kengkawan dia kekekekeke. Si dennis, lom turun motor dah tanya apesai tak datang...si Pat pong..si nelson bukak2 pintu jer terus.."wtf!" lagik LOL!. ..amran nunjuk ler gegambo lampu lip lap yg dia amik ngan henpon tuh *so this is his point amik gegambo tuh ngan hendpon dia regardless aku yg dah amik ngan camera aku*. Tapi kena kutuk gaks lagik ngan Pat..yg kata..."ala takat gambo lampu2 nih macam tepi umah kat randwick jer" hahaha tak caya tuh! Si nelson laks kata.."apa kes tgk lampu2 nih.. baik gi tengok lampu kat dalam pub nun lagi best!" kekeke

Wokessss tu jer hapdet nyer... so here goes the gambo2 xmas lights. Ada competition actually utk sumer nih..ala2 lampu panjut macam kat kuala kangsar tuh la kan.

Wokesss daaaaaaa..


Anonymous said…
I am no 1?????

cekputeh said…
Hmmm...jadi tutor le org tu nanti..you go girl!

Hehehehe...Anita tu, aku rasa baik jugak orgnya kot..tu sbb dipertemukan tu..eceh

Kelako le bila baca kisah Amran ni..kira close juga le deme ni..tp, mmg besar le 'dugaan' si amran ni..hehehehehe

*kalo aku dpt hadiah mcm Anita tu, aku pun..'loved it so much' and 'will keep it'...*sengeh2 sambil terkejip2 mata penuh makna*
Hazelsyd said…
DL love!

of course u secure the no 1 place dalam carta tingkap ilham hahahahahaha

aku tak tau nak jawab camana komen ko tuh *sbb aku tak paham*! kekekeekkeek ampunnnnn
Anonymous said…
Dear H,

hari tu aku tak bagi pendapat aku kan on your question patut tak ko bagi "hadiah" kat Anita the samaritan tu. Aku actually setuju. Tak la maksud as xmas gift ... but a gesture of appreciation gitu.

Tapi Amran mmg berotak geliga la. kekekkeke. WTF tul tau kawan2 dia. ooopppsss.

Hazelsyd said…
hahahahahaha baru aku paham!! kekekekeke

len kali cakap bahasa mesia baku beb! hahahahaha
Hazelsyd said…

tu lah..rasanya takde masalah kan because it's all on our niat..

hehehe tuh lah kengkawan si amran tuh kekekeke

adehhh aku gelak lagi nih heheeheh
Hazelsyd said…

hehehhe entah ler yer wa pasai tutor tuh.. tp hrm.. mana nak tau kot rezeki nak masuk kan.. dunno..

Wa, aku suker baca ko cakap camtuh wa.. yg ko rasa anita tuh baik orgnyer and the hikmah yg kami dipertemukan..*fuhh sib baik bukan laki eks! kekekeke*

..and pasal amran kat tpt keje dia, yes i think he got challenges working there.. but aku rasa he will manage just fine insyaallah..

iskk ko sakit mata ker wa? jgn jeling byk2 sgt! LOL
Anonymous said…
salam hazel..

bright nite huh? macam pesta panjut kat KK nak sambut raya ek? hmmm, dah lama tak tengok pesta panjut tuh! ada lagi ker?
Hazelsyd said…
W'salam teesh,
*miss u beb...so much in fact!*

ha ah..such a bright nite indeed..and yeap kinda pesta panjut kat kuala tuh kan..but not sure ada lagi ker dak such pesta..rasanya tak der dah kot..but pesta mercun buluh ada masa raya baru2 nih, my kazen cakap.
Anonymous said…
aa betul. Aku rasa Anita tu baik & jujur orangnya. Susah la nak cari org jujur macam tu tau.

Hazelsyd said…

yeap..rezeki tuh..
Anonymous said…

missed u too, love! really do!

and i selalu singgah taw.. *hugs tight and lama2*
Hazelsyd said…

..thanks dear for missing me...and thanks also for the frequent visits here..

*hugs tight*
Hazelsyd said…

Thanks for dropping by..

ha ah..terang benderang..
Anonymous said…
H, tak pasang lagu dendang perantau ker..hehe..

Bok D
Hazelsyd said…

Lagu dendang perantau? erkkk u sajer nak kasi i sedeyyy tau hehehe
Anonymous said…

gambaq #5 tuh...sebijik macam wa taw...
Hazelsyd said…

Fudh!! i miss yew!!

*erti kata lain, tak layan keperasanan ko tuh* kekekekeke
jane said…
salam H,

cantiknyer..........dari kecik2 wa berangan nak pi obesi! dah dapat peluang lepas itm dulu x p pulak...ada aje aralnya...so, harap2 dah tua2 ni nak merasa jugak belajar kat negeri orang...doa2 selalu kut dapat!
Hazelsyd said…
w'salam jane,

aku doakan impian ko tercapai jane, honestly...aku baca kat halo ilham ko nak wat masters kan..my honest opinion is, utk gi belajar obersi, buat masters is the best dpd phd..that's wat i think....so.insyaallah..go for it jane! boleh dapatnyer!!

kalo ko nak guide on steps dia, just ask me ok. aku leh citer2 kan. insyaallah boleh tercapai..kejor yong kejor! kkakakakaka

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