Saturday, May 24, 2008

My saturday

I was torn between watching my rental unit being auctioned AND celebrating a 'pre-raya' event with food varieties, good companies, games, karaokes, food and food and food............obviously, the food wins! The program was mostly handled by the undergrads with Abg Sam as the head chef with coupons sold at the entrance. It was not so much of a merry program, I would say as I noticed not many visitors the point where I started to leave, postgrads were the least ones there. Well.. I left at about 1pm I think or 2pm perhaps....I had sate (of course), beriyani (for the sake of having it so that I wont kempunan as I dont know how to make one), ABC (despite the rather chill weather, I still have it coz otherwise I wont have the chance if I were to make myself). Other than that, I didnt have the chance to try them all *obviously* .. and they had like roti jala, murtabak, laksa, rojak, bihun curry...... boleh buat laa sumer2 tu kalau nak buat heheh antara rajin and malas jer.....

Went to Bondi Junction as planned. Looking for the Body Shop lotion also and then dropped by at Harvey Norman. I was being offered an advance birthday gift of Ipod 120Gb....but I gracefully refuse the offer! :P hahahaha... it will kill the thrill!! There are still months to come before my birthday! Besides, I actually wonder.. when on earth will I use that Ipod.. coz here.. most of my time will be spent in front of my PC or laptop with Internet connection and I can have tonnes of musics or movies downloaded. Other than that, I will be at home.. too busy to listen to one.. or in a car going to and fro the school, with of course the radio on plus the journey only taking like 2 minutes? So, tell me when is the time for me to ear-phoned the Ipod? huhuuuuu

However.... secretly, I am now thinking of what I would want as a replacement to that offer, obviously, of equal price! hahahahah. Masih belum ada idea. Tapi sebenarnya hati tingin itu Ipod walaupon dari segi praktikalnya, mungkin kurang digunakan hehehehehe. *Aku kat sini cuba nak menjadi seorang yg praktikal*. I requested a nice, special dinner and a birthday card on my birthday yg membuatkan si dia menggelabah tak tentu pasal tadik hahahahaha. He is sooooooooo tak reti of giving-giving cards one but in contrary, I soooooooooooo love giving and receiving cards one! kihkihkih.. biarkan.. rasakan lorrrr biarkan dia menggelabah kekekekekekeke. And if u wonder, aku nih.. kalau aku nak, aku pursue and will tend to be direct ajer.

So, that's all.


Anonymous said...

ok i would love to have some advanced besday present. give that ipod ahahahahaha

Hazelsyd said...

Awaknyer besday dah lepas lalalalalalala
And oso, I nak swap ngan something else lalalalalala

Anonymous said...

kak ja
swap dengan resipi nasi beriani mau??

Hazelsyd said...

Ngak mahu!!

DeLinn said...

weit weit weit!

besday lambat lagi daaaaaaa.... apa ke heinya yop yg dok diskas skang nih?

besday aku mau kasi apa yach?. hiks!

Hazelsyd said...

Apa ke heinyer yop apa.. dia bukannya baca blog aku hahahahaha

Besday mu???? Hallloooooo aku ni STUDENT occay!!! duit raya, hadiah besday sumer leh excuse occay!!