Friday, May 2, 2008

Weekend rendevous

Didnt have anything that interesting to report today except that I study.. did my bit of reading and key-ing in data/information, felt like suddenly seeing a whole new perspectives of my work (and on life as well perhaps hiks!) *terang ati sket kots LOL*

This coming weekend should be a weekend of rendevous although I have 2 submissions on both Tuesday and Wednesday ( yeap.. you can expect to see me panic and frantic on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday *LOL* nothing new..).

There are two new members to our malay society here.. 2 newborn babies.. therefore, insyaallah will spend some time to buy gifts and visit them on Saturday, perhaps.

Still coming to the school as always, insyaallah after those rendevous.

Sunday, gonna be a hell of a pom pom gurl!

Okay.. take care everybody.... have an interesting weekend, I hope!



Anonymous said...

takper bila dah berpom2 tuh ilanglah segals stress bagai.. hehe..

*maks nak bapak kangaroo bley*..hahah.. cicit tanak.. *merasa demand ok*..

anw shyuker lagu neh..hoho *tetiba jerk kan*

Hazelsyd said...

Tu dia demand tak hengat naaaaaa!! kekeke.. aku bukan per.. bagi bapak kangaroo kang, ko tak tido mlm kang.. dok peluk kangaroo ja bukan paps opssssss kakakaka

Lagu ni best eks?? lagu jiwang karatz tuk aku..wahahahaha

Anonymous said...

ahh bile teman terbaca entri ini. mule-mule teman jadik pelik. baru teringat hari ni hari jumaat dan teman masih dipejabat.

Hazelsyd said...

Kol 9.12pm kat ofis lagi no?? hoho..iIsh ish mike ni... mmg pekerja berdedikasi la eks heheehhe.. takpa.. weken lepaks!!