Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Will be back...[updated @ 3.54pm]


Will be back later at noon perhaps.
Hrm... apa nak bebel kat blog ni harini ntah.. actually mmg takde citer lah other than my daily routine.

Talked to Atan this morning before going to class.. owh it was kakak who first buzzed me.. and I thought it was sweet though coz now.. upon seeing Atan's YM id on...I wouldnt buzz him immediately already.... sibuk ngan keje... but it was her who first tegur me.. and that's sweet.. coming from the one i love so much. Atan told me that he once almost drown while went fishing. I didnt know that!! I was surprised! Suddenly my heart was beating so hard just now.. and I said a brief doa for everything to be well for my family members. Cemas dengo! ishh nauzubillah....And I hope it taught him a lesson on going on boat for fishing.. hisyyy I still cant imagine how and when it happened to him. hisyyy..

Watched DH online just now.. just catching up.. and the tagline that I liked most in this episode is.."don't easily let people come to your house coz you dont know what they are up to and some of them refuse to leave". Nice one although terkeluo dari topik kan? hiks!

p/s: rasa macam ayat tunggang langgang sikit.. abaikan lah eks. paham2 kan lah sendiri citer tu.


DeLinn said...

baik takyah buat entry setakat sepatah tu jek hahahaha

Hazelsyd said...


sajer jek laaaaa

ada maksud tersirat kat situ hahahaha


Anonymous said...

nih namanye entri menyelamatkan tengkuk. supaya ady tak komplen...update please. kan kan kan?

perhaps tuh teringat lagu apa ntah yg ada perhaps perhaps perhaps

Anonymous said...

takper maks setia menunggu giteww bley... huhu walaupun tajuk sajour deh..

nyah.. take care yach.. maks dinch sempat nak komen hak bawah nun...

Hazelsyd said...

heii kome pakat speku reramai ekkksss.. kekekeke...

ummi of triplet said...

penat jer aku buat aksi2 luc*** kat cermin tu nak amik attention...punyer la konsentrate!!!

Hazelsyd said...

Cik Pah

abesss... tgh blajar data analisis kena ler konsentrate kekekeke.. tp..terpanggil gak nak memalingkan muka heheeheh

wehhh sabtu ni gi dak mesia halll??? santap santap

Anonymous said...

owh akhirnya berupdate ahahaha

Hazelsyd said...

update tetap update.. hiks!