Thursday, May 29, 2008

..of my guests and potential guests

It has been two nights since Sunday that I came home from school to a cooked dinner. Heaven! hehehehehe..Opppssssss before that, this have no other niat than just to record a memory here occay.. just in case laaa hikhikhik... Of course, it feels good upon coming home from school/work, looking and feeling tired to find that the house is nicely kept and the food is ready to serve. Agaknya this is how and what ppl feel out of having a maid at home eks.. rumah senantiasa kemas, bahan2 preparation tuk masak sumer ready.... hehe tapi aku penah cakap dulu yg kalo boleh, aku still takmo ada maid..ada anak or takde anak huhuuuuu... kita tgk camana nanti.. ikut aruslah nanti eks..

Opsss terkeluo topik. Okay. Siti & co., guests aku tu rajin kau! The first day they came, they requested me to show where the supermarket is so I brought them to Coles.. and it turned out that they bought segala bawang lah, sayur lah haper2 lah.. padahal, prior to their coming here, I have stocked my fridge will all that whatnots. Ropernyer, they intend to cook.. well.. aku cakap gak kat depa, buat cam rumah sendiri la kan.. sbb day time aku takdak kat umah, dok kat school.

It has to do with timing also. This is the time of approaching semester-end and with three courses that already carry huge workloads, end of the semester means submissions of all major assignments and exams and etc etc. Lucky me, I dont have any exam this semester. Tun and friends who came somewhere in March last time also kind of wrong timing for me (but of course good timing for them la kan) coz was busy in the midst of courses. In short, semester ni mmglah aku busy sangat.. and wrong timing lah kan... but I try to entertain lah depa jugak kan.. it's just that, I couldnt bring them around lah.. of course kalau boleh aku nak bawak depa jenjalan kan *sbb aku pon suka nak merewang* and masak proper2 sikit la kan for nak wat camno kan...Time yg Ina and Ky datang last time was perfect (of course, as they consulted with me first the date actuallly prior to booking the ticket) and also masa tu cuti sem so.. free lah.

I had a nice chat with a blogger friend who intends to come here for hols...Frens, sekarang ni tiket jetstar tengah murah eks ke Sydney...utk travel duration bulan baper tah lepas raya kot. If only it had been prior to raya.. heheheheh. Anyway, this blogger fren udah teruja bagai with the flight ticket sales and kabarnya udah buat bajet gitu...... but latest news I heard, tak jadik! hahahahahaha aku gelak beso dengo reason dia hahahahahahaha. [Ko jgn respon kat sini kalo takmo org tau ko sape eks hahahahahah] *aku gelak tak abes nih...hadoihhhh* . Apa-apa pun, whoever feels like coming to Sydney, habaq la nooo...When I told my blogger fren-who's-been-denied-permission-to-come-to-Sydney *LOL* that it would be awesome to come at the end of the year (Disember lah tu) because it comes with shopping package as well [Christmas sales kan].. pulak tu aku cucuk sket ngan sales utk perfume, dia terus pengsan hahahaha.. adehhh okes cukup2 gelak tuh.

Ok. sambung kisah Siti tadi. Aku kena tukar tajuk la camni.. tak jawab tajuk kang entry cam nih kekekekeke.. They are very independent tourists *hadoihhh awat laa aku terasa cam ada org terasa haa? kakakaka*...they went to a-day trip to Blue Mountain via package and smlm diorg gi whale-watching. They said it was awesome although depa sempat tgk anak whale ajer.. 2, 3 days back mak bapak whale ada. I am yet to watch this as well.. Sumernyer tunggu ujung bulan 6 and bulan 7 nanti. Siap laa aku abess sem ni, aku akan rangka itinery aku... Well one thing insyaallah, Snowy Mountain is one of them in June. Ingat nak pi Port Stephen jugak @ Newcastle. Melbourne will have to wait until end of the year, perhaps. Ongkos nyer aje issue nyer..huhuuu

Okess.. rasa macam entry harini meleret leret lahhh. Aku nyer schedule patutnya start reading kol 9am..okes, time's up!

Ampun maaf dipinta kalau ada yg sungguh2 terasa ekss..ekss..huhuuu serius bagai aku!


Anonymous said...

camneh maks mode *tenung kalender sajour deh* bilalah naks ke Sydney nyer huhu

Hazelsyd said...

owh owh owhhhh patut laa cam dengo bunyi ayam berkokok tadiii roper-ropernya mak hayamz dah masuk kampong!!! hahahaha

Tenung, jgn tak tenung.. mentara aku ada kat sini kot nak otel pree occay! Ko jgn doa aku dok sini lelama laks noooo hehehehe..

Huhuuuuu beautiful and lovely day it is, isnt it?

DeLinn said...

ahah! somehow my heart hurt with one of the remarks in this entry. huh!


Hazelsyd said...


Aku kena buat disclaimer lah camni..

Anonymous said...

nak kecik ati gak ah kak ja. :p

Hazelsyd said...

Aikk apesal lak nak kecik ati? Besar kan lah sket ati tu gakss.... hehehe

K.Ija bz skets *byk* hr nih

Anonymous said...


baca cerita ko ni buat aku teringat berbuat dgn iwan.
i've talked to him before this about going to your place. saje je berangan. then I told him takut nyusahkan ko je.... dia boleh kata "ala, mintak tlg ija tunjuk how to go to the supermarket and how to get the public transport je. yg lain kita buat sendiri". Then aku tanye dia "oh, abih tu umah ija nak buat cam umah sendiri?" Dia gelak beso...

anyway, aku takut kalau aku pi, anak aku pulak yang menyepahkan umah ko ja...hahahaha...lagi pening ko bila balik from school...

Hazelsyd said...


Datangggggg.....sila datangggggg!!!! Takpe, buat cam umah ko sendiri pon takpe.. anak ko selerakkan pon takpeeeee..kalau aku bz ngan keje, betul apa yg iwan cakap tu..

Apa2 pong, bagitau aku in advance tau!!

Anonymous said...

mestila aku bagitau in advance, nanti ko kata umah ko fully booked kang susah aku.

dont worry. itu sessi berangan aku.... kalau jadi, aku bincang lain, kira duit dulu.... haha...

salam to amran. take care tau!

Hazelsyd said...

Okes hana.. kim salam kat iwan tau! I'll email u.

Anonymous said...

kak ija.. hati ni fitrah dia walo pun dihiris/dikecilkan, pasti bleh membeso... tu sebab bleh share ngan orang lain tu kan.. hihihi...

jadik tourist guard huh?!

Hazelsyd said...

Suker ngan statement awak tu Sue hehehe..

tourist guide? hehe kalo tgh free jer laa hhehehehe

kyora said...

aku terasa jugak...

*sambil tunduk kuis2 tanah dengan kaki*


Hazelsyd said...


Awatnyaaa ko terasa??? takde maknanyerrr..

*sambil capai gelas minum air gulppp*
