Some ramblings..
This time around I managed to finish my assignment before 10am on the submission day *big grin* kehkehkeh...and gets to wander in the virtual space while waiting for my class afterwards at 11.00am. huhuuuu
I have no idea of what to blog today....perhaps after class afterwards...
Just a thought..
Putting blogging in context, writing leisurely very much depends on how much our real life touches our mood and emotions. Those who are very good at reading what's-not-there in the visible writing and/or ability to read between the lines can actually see/feel how one feels from a mere blog entry and/or comments....and thus see how one's real life is reflected in their writings in this space...therefore, as much as blogging or chatting or whatever not that exist in this environment today, seems to be an escapism/batu loncatan/tpt utk cakap berkias2 platform, there is an invisible connection between reality and virtual reality...... okeh, some ramblings for today!
Time to geraks to class!!
hahahahahah yo lah tuuuuuu.. awak kan terrer bab read between the lines nih.. cuba2 ler pahamkan yerr heheh..idak jugak kalu, abaikan jugaaaaa...
*Tak sabo nak lunch satgi nih...udang galah masak sweet sour yummmm* motifff????? kekeekekke ada lagi la halal cafe tu.. dia dah pindah kat dalam/bawah Matthews Building
huhuuu tp pedassssssssssss!!! terlebih cili....baru lepas makan...
ahahahaha jadi kak de setuju Later jelah erk erk erk. muahahahahaha! Larik!!!!!
kekekeke itu laaaaaaaa.. dko pkir2 gak nih.. sungguh ke Kak De awak tu agree dgn "Later" hahahahah tp.. assumer ajer laaa eks ahhaha
kehkehkeh...manja konon!! lelaki mana buleh manja, manja tau!! huhuuu