Weekend pictures with autumn themes...
Here are some pictures taken over the weekend...Lemme start with food indulgence first as I was tagged by adikku Sue-aleen on food *macam tau-tau ajer ahkak ni pemakan orgnyer huhu* Oh, before that, there are rules actually.. hehehe supposed to i. tell readers food we make; ii. upload photos if possible; iii. reason for making such dish/es. Well.. the answer to rule #iii is obvious to me..utk isi perot jugaaaa hehehehe....actually I tingin nak makan menda2 ni.. tu yg buat menda2 ni.. Rule #ii - here they are. Rule #i - over the weekend, I made kuay teow goreng (tak dak gambar), ketam masak lemak cili padi and chinese style noodle soup...and as for the ice cream.. i beli ler tuuuu hiks! Recipe?? huhu...
The ketam masak lemak cili api.. is the normal lemak cili api that we used to make...blend together bawang besar + cili padi + kunyit ~ in my case, I just put kunyit serbuk. Then, put the blended ingredients in the periuk, add serai, add asam keping, add the ketam, add garam and put to boil a while.. then lastly add santan. With api kecik, once the masakan about to boil jgn ditinggalkan yer para penonton sekalian.. kena sentiasa kacau..kalau idak, pecah lemak gittew.. jadik kesimpulannya... masak lemak ini hanya sehsuai utk org2 yg rajin masak sahaja...which means, I'm excluded here *LOL*. I prefer to letak atas dapur and tinggal and multi wat menda lain huhuuuu dasar!!
As for the chinese style noodle soup, - tumis bawang putih, add in chicken stock - in my case kuib ayam sajer + water *ikut nak buat kuah byk mana*.. senang amatz!, add garam then put to boil..then put in la the fishball and fishcake and whatnot...utk makan, campor segala sayuran that u'd like.. taugeh ka, tauhu ka, daun sup/bawang ka, bawang goreng ka, cili padi kicap ka.. things like that...itu jer...
As for the exact amount of the ingredients.. erm... to be honest, I takdak specific amount yer huhu.. main buh + campak2 ajer.. kekeke.. * sbb tu masak lemak ketam tu terpedas amatz!* Tp sebab sedap *to my liking*, blasah jer la...
Ok. Here goes...
Below are sceneries taken somewhere in my univ..these two sunsets were taken from my place at level 3.
And I shall title these pictures down here as .."Autumn in UNSW"
As for these ones, I shall title them as .."Autumn di hatiku..."
Happy Belated Mother's Day yer.. huhu.. aku wish kat mak aku smlm.. setelah di-hint oleh mak aku, ampesss kan aku nih? kakakaka...
paperpung selamat hari ibu gaks.. *tak kira nak wish gaks bley*.. huhu
Thanks!! err...errr.. 'berkerongong' tu bahsa apa bebs? bahsa jawa eks?? kekeke coz berkeroncong aku tau laaa...
*lariiiiiiiiiiii sblm dikejar ngan penyapu dek Bat* hahahahha
Alamakkk alamakk udah terkasi itu orang mengidam daaaaaaaa hehehehe.. kena buat or beli jugak tu Alin!!! heheheh
Aisehhh Ayu... down lak eks.. I think since last week Tm Net dok hay wire jer kan?
Takpa.. takpa.. akan ku tunggu, bila tiba saat itu.. akan kutunggu... kasihhhhh!!
Tu diaa ter mengarutss lak
*nyorok blakang bat*
mee sup tu mcm sedap je..gulp
Ohh itu butter milk akan diadunkan dgn udang esok esok..
Mee sup tu? hehe to my tekak, sedap la lebey2 kurang..
masak sendiri le... kat sini beli bukan sedap sangat, buang karan je baik masak, puas hati makan
hehe uhh best tu..ko masak mesti sedapnyer...:)
Jgn cam aku nih, terlebih cabai burung daaa....apa2 pon, enjoy yr food!!
tq sbb sudi jwb tag eikk
Resipi campak campak ler menjadikan nyer sedap kan kan kan? *ye ker??* hehehehehe